Alarm development smartphone



I am trying to develop a custom alarm program in C#. Which is the
best way
to check the time I have 3 option
1. Use WindowsMobile.Status.Time notify my application every minute
2. Use Timer control
3. A custom program like RunAppAtTime in OpenNetCF (any function like
4. or better use CeSetUserNotificationEx

I don't know about battery usage if I use option 1.
Any other options??

advance thanks

Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]

It depends on what you are going to *do* when the alarm fires. If you just
want to notify the user of something and don't need custom code of yours
executed, 4 might work for you. 1 and 2 will be suspended when the device
suspends, so those are not suitable for an alarm that needs to fire at a
given time of day.

Paul T.

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