AJAX Version?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott M.
  • Start date Start date
its version 3.5 (to match the asp.net version number). all the server
side ajax code (and javascript code as a resource) is in

vs2008 already has ajax project templates, that needed to be added to
vs2005. there is a vs2008 download that will give ajax project support
when targeting older frameworks (2.0/3.0).

the ajax System.Web.Extensions support, the base ajax support library,
timer control and update panel control.

if you have not committed to System.Web.Extensions, I look at jQuery as
a better ajax library for which MS has committed support (will be
included with next visual studio release).

if you don't know javascript and are not really going to write true ajax
code, then the ms ajax update panel is probably your choice.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)
There's only one version 1.0 since it's the same version that was released
as a standalone download. The issue is when you build a .Net 3.5 app, the
System.Web.Extensions DLL is available since it's part of the 3.5 framework.
If you're using a 2.0 project then it's not available though you can
download it from www.asp.net/ajax.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Thanks Bruce. I am aware of the different levels of support in the various
VS products, but I sometimes hear people say AJAX 1.0 and sometimes AJAX

I am looking at my most recent issue of MSDN magazine, which has an article
about AJAX 4.0, so I wanted to clarify.

Thanks again.
Actually, they are essentially saying the same thing. Mark just clarified
why the AJAX bits appear to be 3.5.

The AJAX bits, technically, are 1.0. They were originally shipped for use
with .NET 2.0 as a standalone. They were folded into the 3.5 Framework, so
they were renumbered to fit this scheme.

The same has happened with many other bits that are technically 1.0 with
..NET 3.5 SP1. And I imagine you will see MVC, which is version 1.0,
becomming part of .NET 4.0.

Today, you can get AJAX in two ways. Part of the 3.5 install (or SP1
install), which both are "3.5" or downloaded for 2.0, which are labeled 1.0

Gregory A. Beamer

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