John Schuler
I want to connect my AIW to my TV.
TV video inputs: S-Video, Composite
TV audio input: Composite
TV Both: Coax Antenna
Cable length is 27 feet.
As an experiment, I connected the AIW outputs to an RF Modulator and
connected it to the TV Antenna with coax. The video was acceptable, but
the sound was very weak. The sound output from the AIW is of course
connected to my (on-board) sound card and then to the RF Modulator.
Would a plug-in sound card, like a Sound Blaster, work better than the
on-board sound?
With an odd length like this, does it make sense to make my own S-Video
cable? If so, any links on how-to?
Thanks in advance
I want to connect my AIW to my TV.
TV video inputs: S-Video, Composite
TV audio input: Composite
TV Both: Coax Antenna
Cable length is 27 feet.
As an experiment, I connected the AIW outputs to an RF Modulator and
connected it to the TV Antenna with coax. The video was acceptable, but
the sound was very weak. The sound output from the AIW is of course
connected to my (on-board) sound card and then to the RF Modulator.
Would a plug-in sound card, like a Sound Blaster, work better than the
on-board sound?
With an odd length like this, does it make sense to make my own S-Video
cable? If so, any links on how-to?
Thanks in advance