Beta tester = the software is expected to fail. That's been my experience with
the AIW software since the 1st card and catalyst in 97.
Unwilling as in I signed nothing claiming we take no responsibility for what
happens to your machine by using our software, but then maybe I did. Since I
think there's been some sort of disclaimer like that in every piece of software
I've ever installed.
A comparison, would be buying a box of pencils where there's only an inch of
lead in each 5 inch pencil , and it's never found in the same place twice.
Trouble is when ATI works, you can't go wrong. It's getting it working that's
the problem.
I have no idea how my costs as a beta tester relate. But I'd say yes upgrades
have cost. In time wasted installing, and uninstalling, and if you think it's
just ATI getting installed, removed, your wrong. I've had to actually
re-install the OS because of some failures. Many programs have had to be
trashed. I suspect maybe ATI will get a fix for pinnacle 9, till then it sits
on my CD. Most fixes I see pertain to games. I've played some games, but they
aren't my main use.
But my original question still stands.
My original CD was mmc 8.5, and catalyst 3.4 neither one which is even easily
accessible at the ATI site anymore. Not even found on any of the pull down
selections. it's always 'OTHER'.
I'm just wondering if they've released a new CD with a newer version catalyst
and MMC and the DVD thing [Figure if I do get a newer CD, it'll come without he
DVD thing]. And if they have released a NEW CD install disk, does it work with
a P4 3.2 ghz hyper threading, 1 gig ram, 500 gig HD, and a dual layer DVD
player recorder ?
all except the speed 3.2ghz, every one of those items has had something that's
incompatible with it.
I was told most of what I have installed is 6 months ahead of software
programming, but I've had it now for a year. The incompatibilities should be
getting fewer, not leveling off at the same amount.
My 1st card lasted just for 7 years just fine. Only reason I even went with the
9800 was because the AIW 128 pro wouldn't fit the new machine.
Software is still playing catch up with this machine. I don't foresee replacing
this machine for another 12 years minimum. By then most of the software bugs
might be worked out.
LOL, Nice link. I just bought and installed an AIW 9800 to get the video
capture. I have used the Pinnacle Studio software before and thought it was
buggy crappola. I have been content with the Nero software I bought for my
Possibly you need a machine that can handle it. I've no gripes with 8, other
than the design of it's frame capture. videowave 2 has a better design.
DVD burner for just about everything. I installed the card (a replacement
studio 8 and Nero aren't even in the same ballpark. Studio does a lot more than
Nero. As for Nero, mine fails every time I use it which is daily. Oddly enough
my videowave 2 [from 97] is my 1st choice for mpg editing, but it's sadly
limited to what it has a codec for and mpg1. Rewinding a home made DVD or
playing fast speed from one chapter to the next guarantees a lockup in Nero.
It's failures are known [by me] so I know it's limits. And that right there is
enough to avoid big troubles. Just cause it's a well known name doesn't
guarantee it's fail proof. M$ proves that daily.
ie: Trend made an auto release that locked up thousands of machines before it
was pulled from release. with my normal 3 hour alert checking, I got hit. The
machine was slower than molasses. I wound up reinstalling the OS because it was
the only option available at less 1 bps support.
I thought a virus got thru. so 2 items failed the XP OS, and Trend.
for my ti-4200) using the drivers I downloaded from the website. I never
bother with the drivers on the CD as they are usually out of date by the
time I get them. I was not impressed with the small gain in FPS over my old
car when it came to my favorite games. I don't have enough CPU to use AA
and such, but I am very happy with the capture capabilities. I don't care
about watching TV on my PC since my TV is a much better TV than my PC.

haven't had any trouble with my Nero software locking up etc. like my old
Pinnacle software did. Plus, Pinnacle screwed up my login so now I cannot
update their buggy crappola anyway.
I installed an ATI download manager yesterday that prevented me downloading
anything from the ATI site... Ever installed the ATI stuff, and got the OS
warning this software hasn't been approved, continue anyway's [yes], [no]. Well
that's what happened with the download manager, but ignore wouldn't work..
It just kept popping up the same [continue yes, no].
I spose that's one way to avoid anymore trouble reports about ATI software. If
you can't get it and install it, you can't find a problem with it.
Like most hardware that comes with special edition software, you are better
off paying for some good software. The complementary stuff is just so you
see the hardware do what it is supposed to do. Like getting a free copy of
Blue Lagoon with your DVD purchase.
No complaints at all with the studio ATI version. Just it's frame capture
design. Constant mouse movement. the videowave 2 allowed you to undock the
control, and move it next to the frame advance control. Mouse movement dropped
from inches, to negligible.
frame advance control on one end of the screen, capture frame control 5 inches
to the left. Carpal tunnel gets a real work out on that one.