I have recently started using AIDA32 for network informations retrieval
and diagnostic, but have not been able to find any documentation on the
commands I need to use to configure AIDA32 to automaticly send reports
from client computers to the host/server machine. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
From my logonscript (KiXtart)
;14. Aida collection of sysinfo
IF EXIST ("C:\Programmer\Aida\aida32.exe")
; No action - Aida is assumedly installed on client
MD "C:\Programmer\Aida"
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\aida32.exe" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\aida32.bin" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\aida32.dat" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\dk.lng" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\aida32.sys" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\aida32.vxd" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
; ini-filen should allways be updated
copy "\\PDC\NETLOGON\AIDA32.ini" "C:\Programmer\Aida\*.*" /h
run "C:\Programmer\Aida\aida32 /NAS"
5.1 Command-line Mode
Command-line options can be listed using the simple switch:
AIDA32 /?
At first sight it may be confusing, but the options are systematically
listed and have the following functions.
/R - This is one of the most important options. Use this to generate
reports automatically and save the results to a file.
reportfile - The name of the report to be saved. When it's omitted,
the report file name is set based on the setting on the page File menu
/ Preferences / Report / Report File. When the file path or extension
is omitted, yet again the settings on the page File menu / Preferences
/ Report / Report File are used.
/E - Automatic report generation with results to be sent by e-mail.
address - The report generated will be sent to this e-mail address.
When it's omitted, the settings on the page File menu / Preferences /
Report / E-mail are used.
/FTPUPLOAD - Automatic report generation with results to be uploaded
to a FTP server. FTP connection parameters can be configured on the
page File menu / Preferences / Report / FTP.
reportfile - The report file name to be used for the FTP upload. When
it's omitted, the report file name is set based on the setting on the
page File menu / Preferences / Report / Report File.
Note: only one of the /R, /E and /FTPUPLOAD options can be used in the
command-line! For example, to send reports to an e-mail address, it
is sufficient to use only the /E command-line option.
/NAS - During network audit, this option generates a CSV-format report
file including only a couple of pages required for AIDA32 audit
statistics. Those reports can be processed later as described in the
next (5.2) section.
/SUM - Report will only include the "System Summary" page. In most
cases this is not enough, but at least it's possible ;-)
/HW - Report will only include the pages related to hardware
components. This is sufficient for a hardware audit, but not for a
full audit because it doesn't include the list of installed software
and detailed information about the operating system.
/SW - Report will only include the pages related to software
components. This is absolutely unusable for a full audit, because
this way no information is generated about the computer hardware
/BENCH - Report will only include the pages related to benchmarking.
This is absolutely unusable for a full audit.
/AUDIT - Report will only include only the pages required for AIDA32
audit statistics.
Note: if neither of /SUM, /HW, /SW, /BENCH, /AUDIT options are used,
the report will include every information pages. This way leads to
the most accurate and full audit and audit statistics, especially when
the results are processed by an external application. But keep in
mind that the size of all pages could become even a couple of
megabytes in total! Keep an eye on the length of the following pages:
DLL, Fonts, IE Cookies, IE History, Netscape History, Opera History,
File Types, Event Logs.
/CUSTOM - Report profiles are saved on the 3rd page of the Report
Wizard (xxxxxxxx.RPF) can be used via this option during automatic
report generation. Attention! All profiles should be checked (and
when needed, updated) after an AIDA32 upgrade.
profile - Name of the report profile with .RPF extension (saved in the
Report Wizard).
/TEXT - Generates plain text format report. Cannot be used for audit!
/HTML - Generates HTML format report. Cannot be used for audit!
/MHTML - Generates MHTML format report. Cannot be used for audit!
/XML - Generates XML format report. Cannot be used for audit!
/CSV - Generates CSV format report. In all cases, when the
information provided by AIDA32 is sent to further processing, this
format is the right one. AIDA32 can process only CSV format reports,
and make an audit of them.
/MIF - Generates MIF format report, which can be inserted straight to
Microsoft SMS Framework. Cannot be used for audit!
/INI - Generates INI format report, which makes it easier for script
languages to process AIDA32 reports. Cannot be used for audit!
/ADO - Inserts the report to a database, using the ADO functions.
Note: only one of the /TEXT, /HTML, /MHTML, /XML, /CSV, /MIF, /INI and
/ADO options can be used in the command-line! For example, the
combination of /CSV and /ADO options will not result in a CSV format
report created in a database. Concurrent use of 2 or more report
format options will produce unexpected results!
/SERVER - Activates server mode: remote clients can then connect to
the local AIDA32 system.
/HIDDENSERVER - Activates hidden server mode: like /SERVER option, but
the users cannot interfere with the running AIDA32 server. Should be
used together with the /SILENT option when AIDA32 presence should be
absolutely invisible.
/LANGEN - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks English.
/LANGAL - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Albanian.
/LANGBG - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Bulgarian.
/LANGCA - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Catalan.
/LANGCN - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Simplified Chinese.
/LANGCZ - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Czech.
/LANGDE - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks German.
/LANGDK - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Danish.
/LANGES - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Spanish.
/LANGFI - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Finnish.
/LANGFR - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks French.
/LANGGL - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Gallegan.
/LANGGR - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Greek.
/LANGHR - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Croatian.
/LANGHU - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Hungarian.
/LANGIT - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Italian.
/LANGJP - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Japanese.
/LANGKR - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Korean.
/LANGLT - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Lithuanian.
/LANGLV - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Latvian.
/LANGMK - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Macedonian.
/LANGNL - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Dutch.
/LANGNO - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Norwegian.
/LANGPL - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Polish.
/LANGPT - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Portuguese.
/LANGRO - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Romanian.
/LANGRU - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Russian.
/LANGSE - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Swedish.
/LANGSI - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Slovenian.
/LANGSK - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Slovak.
/LANGSR - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Serbian.
/LANGTR - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Turkish.
/LANGTW - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Traditional Chinese.
/LANGUA - Regardless of the regional and user settings, in all cases
the program speaks Ukrainian.
/SAFE - Activates safe mode: when lockups occur at AIDA32 startup
(e.g. during scanning for PCI devices), or in all other cases when
AIDA32 stability should be guaranteed, use this option to disable
loading of AIDA32 device drivers (AIDA32.SYS, AIDA32.VXD).
/NT4ZIPFIX - Use a workaround to avoid error messages appearing on NT4
systems equipped with a Zip drive. On non-NT4 systems this option has
no effect.
/SILENT - Activates hidden mode: this option hides the icon and bubble
appearing on Notification Area. Reports can be generated in a moment,
invisible to the active user.
/SHOWED - Shows the e-mail dialog before sending the report in e-mail.
This option can be used with the /E option when the user should enter
a comment after the report is automatically generated, but before
actually sending it in e-mail.
/SHOWP - Shows report generation progress, but the user cannot stop or
cancel the process.
/SHOWPCANCEL - Shows report generation progress, and enables Cancel
button to let the user stop the report creation process.
/SHOWS - Shows initialization progress during loading (in case of
command-line report generation).
/NOICONS - Do not load icons. Using this option during network audit
makes AIDA32 load faster and allocate less memory. This option cannot
be used when generating MHTML format reports.
When the report file name contains special control strings, AIDA32
interprets them and swaps them with the relevant value. $HOSTNAME is
swapped to the actual computer name, $USERNAME is swapped to the
actual user name, $DOMAIN is swapped to the actual logon domain name,
$IPADDR is swapped to the IP address of the primary network adapter
and $MACADDR is swapped to the MAC address of the primary network
adapter. The $DATE and $TIME control strings are for periodic report
generation: they are swapped to the current date and time. This will
result in a new report being created in the specified directory every
day, and later they can all be processed and hardware components
changes can be easily tracked. Of course, control strings can be
contained not only in the file name, but they can be included in the
name of the target folder (e.g. "AIDA32 /R
Using command-line options (especially when it's issued from login
script) in many cases not all instances of AIDA32 should create a
report: when a user logs into his/her computer 5 times a day, it's
redundant to generate 5 report files. In most cases it's sufficient
to create reports daily or even weekly only. AIDA32 v2.10 and later
versions offer the schedule feature to handle this.