"Shaoline" said:Problem with AI BOOSTER :
I can't run Ai Booster this is the error message :
1 -EXCEPTION ECOVER ERROR IN MODULE AOvervclk.dll at 00043654 ===> I press
OK button
2 -Access violation at adress 00411080 in module "OverClk.exe". Read of
adress 0000000C.
=====> I press OK buttom
3- "," is not a valid integer value
I can't use AI BOOSTER I have reinstall XP but the same error message
Thanks all to give me the solution of problem
I don't know the answer for sure, but this problem sounds very
similar to the bug in Asus "Cool and Quiet" software for Athlon64.
The "," is not a valid option message is because your OS is using
the comma as a delimiter for numeric input, and the Asus program is
expecting a decimal point. The program lacks the flexibility to
work with different localizations of the OS.
Go to Control Panel / Regional Settings /Number / Decimal Symbol and
change it from "," to "." That may fix the error for you.
Asus has the same problem with their "Cool and Quiet" software for
the Athlon64, and they did issue a later version for that software,
with this localization problem fixed.
Try looking on the download page, for a later version of Ai Booster,
for a more permanent fix.