"George Hester" said:
No none that I have noticed. Just don't like "disabled" in the info from
AIDA32. I'm assuming AIDA32 is correct and my AGP is disabled and I'd like
to "enable" it. Maybe it doesn't mean anything...don't know that's why I
To enable AGP, you need the AGP miniport, which is part
of the chipset drivers. When I install a new video card,
I use the chipset drivers, the ATI Catalyst driver,
and the latest DirectX from Microsoft. (Always being careful
to uninstall the video card drivers from the previous
card, just before shutting down and installing a new card.)
If you want another utility to play with, there is
Powerstrip from Entechtaiwan.com . It is trialware, and
I think it will run for 30 days without complaining.
When installed, it will create an icon on the task bar.
Right clicking the icon, gives a popup menu with an
item called Options. That Window will show the status of
your AGP slot. Powerstrip can override some problems, but
in the past, I used it mainly for that status window.
An AGP slot on an Intel chipset, can offer two kinds of
driver installs. The AGP slot can use an AGP driver or
a PCI driver (as AGP uses PCI protocol as part of the
suite of hardware protocols used). If you were to manually
update the AGP device with the Intel PCI driver, then the AGP
is disabled. If you are missing a driver altogether, then
the AGP would presumably also be disabled. But then the
ATI driver would likely not install, without something
being present. I have used the PCI driver trick, in trying
to get an AGP card working on a system, so I have flipped
it back and forth between AGP/PCI. To do that, you get the
ZIP version of the Intel chipset drivers, and have a look
in the appropriate chipset folders.
There is a picture of the Powerstrip options window here:
Have a look with Powerstrip and see what it reports.
Also, have a look in your Device Manager. In the
815 datasheet, the AGP device looks to have enumeration
info of 8086/1131 hex, and maybe AIDA shows that for the
AGP. The built in graphics should be 8086/1132 hex.
Sometimes there can be two PCI bridges, and when messing
with the AGP/PCI trick, it is easy to get confused about
which PCI bridge you are playing with. The 815 datasheet
is here, and the AGP Device is on page 86. This doc won't
do you much good, but sometimes if I'm looking in Everest
at some hardware IDs, the numbers in the spec come in