I'm looking for an explanation of the different AGP formats around. I'm not
interested in the inner workings, just the practical aspects: what cards can
be inserted in what slots, are there incompatibilities.
I've googled and found some introductions on AGP but not much on the form
factor. www.pcguide.com seems rather outdated on the subject (for example:
"Of course the video card needs special drivers in order to support AGP and
also to exploit special features such as 2x mode".... indeed :-/).
interested in the inner workings, just the practical aspects: what cards can
be inserted in what slots, are there incompatibilities.
I've googled and found some introductions on AGP but not much on the form
factor. www.pcguide.com seems rather outdated on the subject (for example:
"Of course the video card needs special drivers in order to support AGP and
also to exploit special features such as 2x mode".... indeed :-/).