Sparky said:
I have an older MB with a first generation AGP slot. I want to replace
the old card with a relatively newer video card. Can I use an 2x AGP or
x4 card? Are they backwards compatible? Any help appreciated.
There is a nice article here:
If you buy a real expensive card, most of the performance of
the card will be wasted, as your processor won't run fast enough
to keep it busy. This is even true today of processors like 4000+,
so your motherboard is not the only one with this problem. A
high end card would allow you to run the monitor at a large
resolution without penalty, so that would be an advantage. It
is also possible, if the texture memory on the new video card
is large, that most of the textures needed by a "level" in a game,
could be stored in the card, which might avoid short "hangs" during
game play.
If your motherboard has a 3.3V only AGP video slot, then according
to the playtool web page, either a "Universal AGP card" or a
"Universal AGP 3.0 card" could be used. Both of those have the
option of operating at 3.3V, and both of those cards will have
the 3.3V slot cut in the edge connector of the card.
You can get some other info about video cards here:
and this list is a bit more up to date, in terms of naming them
Knowing what chipset is on your board, might make it easier to
speculate on what is the best choice.