I have a database which contains personal contact
information (addresses, names, phone #, etc.) followed by
a series of dates I attempted to contact them and the
method I used (phone call, mailing, house call). What I
am looking to do is to generate a report which will tell
me when the most recent contact was made as well as
generate a report listing the individuals who have not
been contacted within a 30, 60, or 90+ day window. Any
information (addresses, names, phone #, etc.) followed by
a series of dates I attempted to contact them and the
method I used (phone call, mailing, house call). What I
am looking to do is to generate a report which will tell
me when the most recent contact was made as well as
generate a report listing the individuals who have not
been contacted within a 30, 60, or 90+ day window. Any