Thomas M.
Excel 2007
Basic Question
Is there a way to make a pie chart ignore "empty" cells? Note that the
cells are not truly empty. The display of data in the cells has simply been
"blanked" out using this formula: =IF(B19<1000,"",B19)
More Information
I'm putting together a pie chart that will be updated monthly. There are 40
categories of data, and the values for those categories range from 1 ot
65,000. Obviously, this presents a problem in that the categories with low
values will be shown as pie slices so thin as to be basically imperceptible.
To solve this problem, I'd like to take all the categories where the value
is less than 1,000 and sum them up into one category called Other. I would
then like to include the Other category on the pie chart along with all the
individual categories that have values greater than 1,000.
An additional complicating factor is that the number of categories with
values greater than 1,000 will vary from month to month. This month, there
are 15 categories with values exceeding 1,000, but next month there could be
more of those categories, or less.
In an attempt to solve these two problems I've done the following:
1) At the bottom of the list of categories I've created an Other category.
The value is determined by
=SUMIF(B3:B43,"<1000"), which gives me the sum of all the categories having
values less than 1,000.
2) I created a calculated column that shows the category names only when the
value for the category > 1,000.
3) I created a calculated column that shows the value of the category only
when the value is > 1,000.
This gives me two columns that show the category names and values for just
those categories where the value is greater than 1,000. I then built my
chart using the two calculated columns, hoping that the rows which don't
display data would be ignored. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work that
way. What I ended up with is a chart that shows blank items in the legend.
How can I make it so that the chart shows only the categories where the
value is greater than 1,000, plus the Other category, and not show blank
items in the legend?
Basic Question
Is there a way to make a pie chart ignore "empty" cells? Note that the
cells are not truly empty. The display of data in the cells has simply been
"blanked" out using this formula: =IF(B19<1000,"",B19)
More Information
I'm putting together a pie chart that will be updated monthly. There are 40
categories of data, and the values for those categories range from 1 ot
65,000. Obviously, this presents a problem in that the categories with low
values will be shown as pie slices so thin as to be basically imperceptible.
To solve this problem, I'd like to take all the categories where the value
is less than 1,000 and sum them up into one category called Other. I would
then like to include the Other category on the pie chart along with all the
individual categories that have values greater than 1,000.
An additional complicating factor is that the number of categories with
values greater than 1,000 will vary from month to month. This month, there
are 15 categories with values exceeding 1,000, but next month there could be
more of those categories, or less.
In an attempt to solve these two problems I've done the following:
1) At the bottom of the list of categories I've created an Other category.
The value is determined by
=SUMIF(B3:B43,"<1000"), which gives me the sum of all the categories having
values less than 1,000.
2) I created a calculated column that shows the category names only when the
value for the category > 1,000.
3) I created a calculated column that shows the value of the category only
when the value is > 1,000.
This gives me two columns that show the category names and values for just
those categories where the value is greater than 1,000. I then built my
chart using the two calculated columns, hoping that the rows which don't
display data would be ignored. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work that
way. What I ended up with is a chart that shows blank items in the legend.
How can I make it so that the chart shows only the categories where the
value is greater than 1,000, plus the Other category, and not show blank
items in the legend?