For some reason, aggregate queries have not been my cup of tea. In the following query, all I want is to see how many (count) of each different ApptCodeID was done in the time span specified. When I try to run this query, it complains that ApptDate and ApptTypeID are not included in the aggregate function. When I put them in the aggregate, I don't get the count I am looking for. The Access help file wasn't much help and I know this is simple. Any help is appreciated!
SELECT Appointment.ApptCodeID, Count(Appointment.RecordID) AS CountOfRecordID, ApptCode.Descriptio
FROM Appointment INNER JOIN ApptCode ON Appointment.ApptCodeID = ApptCode.ApptCodeI
GROUP BY Appointment.ApptCodeI
HAVING (((Appointment.ApptDate) Between #1/1/2003# And #12/31/2003#) AND ((Appointment.ApptTypeID)=2))
SELECT Appointment.ApptCodeID, Count(Appointment.RecordID) AS CountOfRecordID, ApptCode.Descriptio
FROM Appointment INNER JOIN ApptCode ON Appointment.ApptCodeID = ApptCode.ApptCodeI
GROUP BY Appointment.ApptCodeI
HAVING (((Appointment.ApptDate) Between #1/1/2003# And #12/31/2003#) AND ((Appointment.ApptTypeID)=2))