Aggregate Count of Records

  • Thread starter Thread starter Frank Camean
  • Start date Start date

Frank Camean

What is the formula that can be used to display an
aggregate count of records and display it on a form? Is
it DCount? I tried but am having no luck.

On a blank form, I've inserted a text box. On the
properties I've selected Expression Builder. The field
name on the form is TOTALCONTACTS. I want this field to
dispaly the total number of contacts in my DB. What's the
correct formula? I keep getting #Name?.

Any information will help. Thanks.

Frank Camean said:
What is the formula that can be used to display an
aggregate count of records and display it on a form? Is
it DCount? I tried but am having no luck.

On a blank form, I've inserted a text box. On the
properties I've selected Expression Builder. The field
name on the form is TOTALCONTACTS. I want this field to
dispaly the total number of contacts in my DB. What's the
correct formula? I keep getting #Name?.

Any information will help. Thanks.


Please see my answer to this question where you posted it independently
in a different newsgroup. That's called "multiposting", and it's
generally frowned on because others don't know what answers have already
been given, and so they duplicate the effort. Also it's harder for you
to keep track of the various replies, and it's harder for later readers
of the question, who may be looking for the same answer, to learn what
they need.

In most cases a single, well-chosen newsgroup will do. If your question
really is relevant to more than one newsgroup, the approved technique is
to "crosspost" it instead, by listing multiple newsgroups in the To: or
Newsgroups: line of a single message. If you do that, the message and
any replies will appear in all the listed newsgroups automatically,
which is beneficial to all concerned.

My apologies for the double posting. I wasn't aware of
it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. If I ever do
need to post to more than one newsgroup, I'll follow your
instructions as noted below. Thanks for your assistance.
