I just spent over an hour doing what I am doing now... lost it somehow?!
Here goes
All Dates in MM/DD/YY, Cell Format: > Date > March 14, 1998
I will forward a copy of the test sheet again, with notes
A43: (a) 1964 ... =>40years Old, 6month validation period ;(b) 1965 <40years
old, 12month validation period ...
G36: 24month validation period; to the 1st day of the 25th month of Issue Date
G37: (a) 6month validation period; to the 1st day of the 7th month of Issue
Date (b) 12month validation period: to the 1st day of the 13th month of
Issue Date
K36: 24month validation period; to the 1st day of the 25th month of Issue Date
K36: If beyond Due Date,"EXPIRED"; C.F. Red Bold font
K36: If renewed "within" 90 days of Due Date, ADD 24month to Due Date that
was in effect.
C.F. -2month Prior warning of Due Date, Red Bold font.

(a) ,40, to 1st day of the 13th month of Issue Date; (b) =>40, to 1st day
of the 13th month of Issue Date.
K37: (2)
If beyond Due Date,"EXPIRED", C.F. RED Bold font
K37 (3)
-2 month Prior warning of Due Date, C.F. Red bold font
K37 (4)
If renewed "within" 90 days of Due Date
(a) <40yr ... ADD 12 month to current Due Date
(b) =>40 ... ADD 6 month to current Due Date
K37 (5)
If renewed PRIOR to 90 days of Due Date;
(a) age<40yr
(b) age=>40yr
.... same as condition K37 (1)
If in A43: 08/08/1965
A43 reads August 8, 1965 ( <40, 12 month validation )
If in G37: 07/14/04 (July 14, 2004)
K37 should show: 04/01/05 (February 01, 2005)
C.F. Red bold font ( 2 month warning )
If in G37: 08/24/04 ( August 24. 2004 )
K37 should show: 03/01/05 ( March 01, 2005 )
C.F. Red Bold font ( 2month warning )
If in G37: 09/15/04 ( September 15, 2004 )
K37 SHolld show: 04"01/05 ( April 01, 2005 )
C.F. N/A
If in G36: 01/01/2005 ( January 01, 2005 )
K36: should indicate: 02/01/07 ( February 01, 2007 ) (2yr)
If K36 is beyond Due Date, C.F. Red Bold font
If K36 is -2month of Due Date, warning form C.F. Red Bold font
If K36 is renewed "within" 90 day of Due Date, ADD 24month to Due Date that
was in effect.
K36: C.F. -2month warning of Due Date, Red Bold font
If in K36: 03/01/05 ( March 01, 2005 ), If in G36: 01/14/03 ( January 14,
2003 )
& enter G36: 01/03/05 ( January 03, 2005 ) ("within" 90 days of Due Date)
K36: should read 03/01/05 ( March 01, 2005 ) ( Add 24 mo to previous K37 Due
Date )
If in K36: 03/01/05 ( January 01, 2005 ); "EXPIRED"
If in G37: 01/02/05 ( Jan 02, 2005 )
K37 should show: 08/01/05 ( August 01,2005 )
Hope this all makes sense.