Here's the deal, at 800x600 everything appears fine. At higher resolution the textures, particularly grass and water, appear corrupted with strange colors, particularly magenta. Everything checks out with DirectX, and I've already tried a few different video drivers, patches, turning system monitors and antivirus on or off. Reinstallation, registry cleaning etc has no effect.
I have no issues with any other games. Video card is a G4TI4200.
I hadn't played in an awful long time, but I recall this not being an issue in the past. Is there a MS hotfix that is known to mess up AOE? Compatibility modes either crash, or in the case of 2000 will load the game but still have the same problems.
Any ideas? I think I've covered all the standard stuff...
I have no issues with any other games. Video card is a G4TI4200.
I hadn't played in an awful long time, but I recall this not being an issue in the past. Is there a MS hotfix that is known to mess up AOE? Compatibility modes either crash, or in the case of 2000 will load the game but still have the same problems.
Any ideas? I think I've covered all the standard stuff...