Age of Empires: Definitive Edition


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score

Can I please buy this game!

I would like it to be available on Steam, but hey, if you gonna be idiots about it, can you at least let me know when you will 'fix' the MS Store so I can purchase the game.

Sincerely yours (not)
What happens when you try to buy it on the MS Store @muckshifter? I've been considering this game too and was also hoping it would be available on Steam.
I "fixed" it :eek:

Apparently, if you go to the AoE web site and try to buy it, nothing happens. This is how I would normally buy a no-Steam game.

So, after a couple days asking MrGoogle how to fix that website, I came up with the answer ... Use the built-in-MS-app called "Microsoft Store" that is on your computer. :thumb: what will they think of next.

Now, where is my 486DX2 ?

It took awhile to download, not played yet, looking forward to it tho' :D
Is this all the old AoE games in one bundle?

I'm looking for one of those old games like AoE or Command and Conquer to play with my son. Would like 2 PCs networked (hopefully networking 2 PCs is a lot easier than it used to be....) so we can play strategy games against each other.
To 'play' MP you'll need an XBox account where you can then setup your own game. (I have no idea how it works, suggest looking at one of the many YT vids)

The game is only AoE, revamped.
