Age of Empires 4


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
I've just played AoE4, which I downloaded via the xbox game pass for Windows. I've only completed the tutorials so far, but it really does seem very much like the Age of Empires games of old (which must be ~20 years old now!). I love it :D. I'm sure there are plenty of other fans of the game here too!

I'm yet to try multiplayer or the campaign, but I will be this weekend if I get time.

Here's a trailer:

Just played some of the early Norman conquest part - the game starts with 1066 and Battle of Hastings. It's very similar to the older games, just with an improved UI and modern graphics. Really enjoying this blast of nostalgia :D.
Will have to wait for a sale. Is a bit steep for me. :blush:
I saw this had been released and I was interested but I also wondered whether it was worth paying all that money for basically what seems like just improved graphics. I don't do multiplayer or Game Pass on the Xbox.

I think, like Mucks, I'll consider it when the price drops.
The graphics do look good but it really is not my sort of game. I have tons in my library that I have not played yet and probably never will :lol:
I spent a LOT of time when I was younger playing AOE2 - The Conquerers. Great game. I think it’s free or cheap online. I played a year or so ago against a mate online. Lost some of the magic, might try this new one and see how we go. :-)