MrT said:
It was running fine on 2k SP4 and XP sp1. Are you implying that MS
issues SP/updates that can compromise existing apps?
I'm saying that Microsoft does not support the third party applications you
choose to run - thus their patches may change something a third party
application you use has chosen to utilize for its own purposes.
If you purchase a vehicle and get an after-market part for it and later - a
recall on the car (something has been deemed dangerous in some way) changes
the part your after-market part fits on in such a way that the after-market
part no longer fits... Well - it's not the original manufacturer's
responsibility to make your after-market part fit (nor will the after-market
part manufacturer do much but offer to sell you a new after-market part that
does the same thing except fits the new situation.)
Your third party applications, your hardware, etc - all of those things are
supported by the manufacturers. Microsoft makes and patches their part of
the equation and they cannot (think of the millions of applications and the
millions of versions on top of that for the many different OSes out there)
make sure someone else has not linked into some component they are changing
to make the OS run better, faster, more secure, etc.
An application is written for a specific OS and sometimes a specific Service
Pack (when speaking of Windows OSes.) Check out the packaging of the
applications in the stores someday... "Requirements: Windows XP SP3 or
greater" and the likes. ;-)