Mihail Edkov
How can I get sender address in OnSubmit() handler
when Outlook works in POP/SMTP mode with different accounts ?
If Outlook works in corporate mode I get PR_CREATOR_ENTRYID
but in POP/SMTP mode I can get only default accounts
I use MAPI (Extendet MAPI) and VC++
Can you take any suggestion ?
Thank you in advance !
With best regards, Mihail Edkov.
when Outlook works in POP/SMTP mode with different accounts ?
If Outlook works in corporate mode I get PR_CREATOR_ENTRYID
but in POP/SMTP mode I can get only default accounts
I use MAPI (Extendet MAPI) and VC++
Can you take any suggestion ?
Thank you in advance !
With best regards, Mihail Edkov.