again a scandal involving valve this time with ati

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x-no-archive: yes

its the news of the moment
every pc gamer and even the media are all talking about it

ati payed 8 million so valve should say ati is best
again a scandal, and again involving valve
everything valve touches turns into filthy dirt

and how could ati pay that astronomical amount of money for
a single publisher for a single game and making it even
worse being half-life 2 and valve!
now i understand why fat lying gabe went to say ONLY ati
products properly run half-life 2... for 8 million he would
say anything!
again this shows how a greedy lying bastard gabe is

how many pc game titles could have been created with 8 million?
20? 30? probably even 40 pc game titles and ati choose to give
to a single one to a single publisher and to those who are doing
so much damage to pc games and pc gamers... valve!
what a disgrace! what a shame!

never again will i buy a ati product!
i regret so much choosing a radeon 9600 se as my graphic card
it will be for sure the last ati product i will own
ati is crap! and my graphic card sucks!
i will try my best to change it as soon as possible with a high
quality nvidia graphic card
for now on i'll only support the GREAT the BEST nvidia!
nvidia is the best!
they create the best products
they support many developers
they have a wide range of pc game titles they endorse
nvidia is the name of the best hardware company for pc games!
nvidia gives the best support in the industry for pc games!
long live nvidia!
long live pc games!
down with valve!
down with ati!
And this is different to those irritating nvidia intros on every other game

8 million dollars for 20 games? Let me ask you this - do you know
anyone running a gaming company or did you just guess? 8 million
dollars used to fund 20 games maybe ten years ago when people didn't
expect great hi-def texture, life-like characters, professionally done
voice over or even simple movies within their games. Time has changed
now - how many times do you hear two guys from someone's garage making
a successful, commerical mainstream game nowadays? None. Trend is even
harsher in FPS where standards are set so high now, anything less than
2 million dollars per a game is not enough to make a game you would
consider 'professional', and if you want to create something like Half
Life 2, who knows how much something like that will cost.

People don't like Steam for various reasons and I fully understand why
- even if I personally never had any problem with it, but ironically I
think the direct distribution over the internet may be the last defense
for the PC gaming industry turning towards console, even that may not
be enough.
steamKILLER said:
x-no-archive: yes

its the news of the moment
every pc gamer and even the media are all talking about it

I wish you would die and ****ing go away

you are so goddamn annoying
Funnily enough, that's how I feel about all the people who crosspost replies
to his rubbish. Well, perhaps not quite *that* extreme.

If a thread starts off as crossposted, then blame the OP if it is
inappropriate. Once a thread is started, changing the FU's is rather
pointless and promotes further confusion. Just set the thread to be
ignored and don't worry about it. It is the pathetic moron who started
this thread that is the problem to all the PC game related groups.
steamKILLER said:
x-no-archive: yes

everything valve touches turns into filthy dirt

You've been touched by Valve.
now i understand why fat lying gabe went to say ONLY ati
products properly run half-life 2... for 8 million he would
say anything!
again this shows how a greedy lying bastard gabe is

I hope he sues your paranoid ass.
how many pc game titles could have been created with 8 million?

Roughly 0.8 Doom3's, or 0.5 Half-Life 2's, or 0.2 Jade Empire's.
20? 30? probably even 40 pc game titles

Not even close. But then you don't buy PC games, don't play PC games,
in fact have no clue about anything PC.
never again will i buy a ati product!
i regret so much choosing a radeon 9600 se as my graphic card
it will be for sure the last ati product i will own

for now on i'll only support the GREAT the BEST nvidia!
nvidia is the best!
they create the best products
they support many developers
they have a wide range of pc game titles they endorse
nvidia is the name of the best hardware company for pc games!
nvidia gives the best support in the industry for pc games!
long live nvidia!
long live pc games!
down with valve!
down with ati!

Another impressive rant from the paranoid loser.
How can anyone not see that you're mentally ill?
steamKILLER said:
x-no-archive: yes

its the news of the moment
every pc gamer and even the media are all talking about it

ati payed 8 million so valve should say ati is best
again a scandal, and again involving valve
everything valve touches turns into filthy dirt

and how could ati pay that astronomical amount of money for
a single publisher for a single game and making it even
worse being half-life 2 and valve!
now i understand why fat lying gabe went to say ONLY ati
products properly run half-life 2... for 8 million he would
say anything!
again this shows how a greedy lying bastard gabe is

how many pc game titles could have been created with 8 million?
20? 30? probably even 40 pc game titles and ati choose to give
to a single one to a single publisher and to those who are doing
so much damage to pc games and pc gamers... valve!
what a disgrace! what a shame!

never again will i buy a ati product!
i regret so much choosing a radeon 9600 se as my graphic card
it will be for sure the last ati product i will own
ati is crap! and my graphic card sucks!
i will try my best to change it as soon as possible with a high
quality nvidia graphic card
for now on i'll only support the GREAT the BEST nvidia!
nvidia is the best!
they create the best products
they support many developers
they have a wide range of pc game titles they endorse
nvidia is the name of the best hardware company for pc games!
nvidia gives the best support in the industry for pc games!
long live nvidia!
long live pc games!
down with valve!
down with ati!

SOP for the video card industry. What's new?

I never liked ATI anyway. All my favorite games have had one problem
or another with ATI cards at release, and I just smile as I read the
troubleshooting forums reading all the ATI problem threads.
I once had an ATI card in my new system, and eager to test my baby, I
loaded the latest 3d game of the moment and... problems. Got another
one later, problems...
For my next upgrade some 1 year later I definitely went for Nvidia, not
one problem then and not one problem with any of the video upgrades
I've done so far (that's about 3 or 4 straight years of happiness so
far, knock on wood).
(e-mail address removed) looked up from reading the entrails of the porn spammer
to utter "The Augury is good, the signs say:
8 million dollars for 20 games? Let me ask you this - do you know
anyone running a gaming company or did you just guess?

His numbers make sense when you factor in some of the other things he's
said, like "no one need pirate since you can get games as cheap as $5."

Obviously he's saying that 20-30 straight-to-bargain-bin games could
have been produced for that amount of money.

Those are the games he likes to buy along with 2-3 year old games that
have slipped into the bargain bin. All the while he harangues others
to "support PC gaming" by buying new games at full price while he buys
all his at bargain bin prices.

Steamkiller is nothing if not rampantly inconsistent.

wolfing said:
I never liked ATI anyway. All my favorite games have had one problem
or another with ATI cards at release, and I just smile as I read the
troubleshooting forums reading all the ATI problem threads.
I once had an ATI card in my new system, and eager to test my baby, I
loaded the latest 3d game of the moment and... problems. Got another
one later, problems...
For my next upgrade some 1 year later I definitely went for Nvidia, not
one problem then and not one problem with any of the video upgrades
I've done so far (that's about 3 or 4 straight years of happiness so
far, knock on wood).

I've used both boards. Most run any game out of the box. Most problems
lie in software or the OS, not with the video card. Both NVidia and ATI
have their quirks and problems. Nobody produces a board that is perfect
in all situations.

steamKILLER said:
x-no-archive: yes
never again will i buy a ati product!
i regret so much choosing a radeon 9600 se as my graphic card
it will be for sure the last ati product i will own
ati is crap! and my graphic card sucks!

You bought a 9600se.

Well aren't you the total loser. That isn't even a real gaming card. It is
just a piece of shit that only losers like you buy.
Lee said:
You bought a 9600se.

Well aren't you the total loser. That isn't even a real gaming card. It is
just a piece of shit that only losers like you buy.

Well, it's probably good enough for the games that he runs since they were
all developed for $200K each.
Yadayada, so ATi spends $8 million to bundle HL2 vouchers with its cards.

The most popular card for HL2 is the 9800Pro. The third most popular card is
the GF4 MX. Almost as many users run FX5200s. In the end people don't give a
crap about DX8/9 effects; they go for the gameplay.
Kaos said:
How much shoddiness in the game will you tolerate?

I doubt it, unless we're talking cheap bucket-ware.

Run the numbers and that's 200K per game. That's what, four mediocre
programmers for a year? Or one and a quarter good ones?