I have a list on a form in datasheet view similar to this:
Last First BedAssigned Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Bed All
Smith John 12 [X] [X]
[X] [X] [X]
Thomas Tom 7 [ ] [ ]
[X] [X] [ ]
Doe Jane 9 [X]
[ ] [X] [X] [ ]
When a user clicks on/off the All checkbox, I want to change the
values of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, & Bed accordingly. For instance,
when they click the All box, it sets all the others as checked and
turns them off when unchecked.
Here's what I have so far, but it ends up checking on/off all the
boxes in my datasheet, not just the ones for the current record. What
am I missing?
Private Sub chkAll_AfterUpdate()
If chkAll.Value = True Then
chkBreakfast.Value = -1
chkLunch.Value = -1
chkDinner.Value = -1
chkBreakfast.Value = 0
chkLunch.Value = 0
chkDinner.Value = 0
End If
End Sub
Last First BedAssigned Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Bed All
Smith John 12 [X] [X]
[X] [X] [X]
Thomas Tom 7 [ ] [ ]
[X] [X] [ ]
Doe Jane 9 [X]
[ ] [X] [X] [ ]
When a user clicks on/off the All checkbox, I want to change the
values of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, & Bed accordingly. For instance,
when they click the All box, it sets all the others as checked and
turns them off when unchecked.
Here's what I have so far, but it ends up checking on/off all the
boxes in my datasheet, not just the ones for the current record. What
am I missing?
Private Sub chkAll_AfterUpdate()
If chkAll.Value = True Then
chkBreakfast.Value = -1
chkLunch.Value = -1
chkDinner.Value = -1
chkBreakfast.Value = 0
chkLunch.Value = 0
chkDinner.Value = 0
End If
End Sub