Recently my HP Laserjet 1012 printer tipped over, and got jostled a
bit. Since then its been printing an after image. Thats a light
version of the current page displaced about 3 inches down the page.
There is also some horizontal noise streaks on each page in the same
place on every page.
The cleaning page procedure doesn't help. I have 1000 prints on a 2500
page cartridge,
I know it comes down to replacing the toner cartridge or fuser, and if
its the fuser its not worth fixing. I don't want to waste buying a new
toner cartridge to find out which it is.
Does this sound like a fuser problem? Is there anything to clean that
might help?
bit. Since then its been printing an after image. Thats a light
version of the current page displaced about 3 inches down the page.
There is also some horizontal noise streaks on each page in the same
place on every page.
The cleaning page procedure doesn't help. I have 1000 prints on a 2500
page cartridge,
I know it comes down to replacing the toner cartridge or fuser, and if
its the fuser its not worth fixing. I don't want to waste buying a new
toner cartridge to find out which it is.
Does this sound like a fuser problem? Is there anything to clean that
might help?