After windows logon a long delay before programs load in taskbar



This is a very annoying situation on my computer. My
boot up is very quick and I get to the welcome screen
with no problems. However when I click on my account I
go to the desktop there is a long delay before the
programs load into the icon tray where the time is
indicated. I have deselected the programs and I still
get a delay. It seems there is something the computer is
looking for before it loads these other programs. I have
checked the registry keys for current version run, etc.
and there is nothing there except the programs I have
asked for. How do I find out what else it is looking
for? Or how do I solve this problem?

This is a mystery I would like to solve!

Thanks, Margot


Margot, I've found a solution on my pc, try it. I unplug my dsl line from the box. My boot time went from over 2 minutes to 17 seconds (after the windows screen). Seem Windows looks for network connections (even if you don't have them) and this can take minutes of time


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