For some reason when I click on folder list outlook crashes. I tried to
reinstall and that didn't help either.
If you look at your folder list (at the bottom of the navigation bar there
should be a shortcut to it) do you have multiple folder stores listed?
Maybe your Contacts are in other ones?
Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!
If I go to Tools - Address Book my contacts are in there but if I click
the Contacts on the left side of outlook they are not in there....
That makes no sense. The Address Book can only show what is in your
Contacts Folder. It contains no data. Explain what you mean more
please. There must be a Contacts Folder somewhere.
How did you "upgrade?" Upgrades always keep the same information
Russ Valentine
I upgraded from Office 2002 to 2003. Nothing transfered over. Can't
old e-mails and the contacts is empty too. But The data is in the
book. How do I get it from the Address book to my Contacts.