After Update Event problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
  • Start date Start date


Here's my problem:
I have 2 date fields on my form BeginDate and EndDate.
EndDate must be a Saturday and the BeginDate must be a
Sunday 8 weeks prior. I am not allowing entry of the
BeginDate (enabled = false) only the EndDate, then I force
the BeginDate Value. The EndDate has a default value of
the nearest past Saturday.
How do I force the BeginDate value? since if the user
allows the EndDate to default, the After Update event does
not trigger. I'd like the user to see the chosen BeginDate
immediately after entering the EndDate.
David said:
Here's my problem:
I have 2 date fields on my form BeginDate and EndDate.
EndDate must be a Saturday and the BeginDate must be a
Sunday 8 weeks prior. I am not allowing entry of the
BeginDate (enabled = false) only the EndDate, then I force
the BeginDate Value. The EndDate has a default value of
the nearest past Saturday.
How do I force the BeginDate value? since if the user
allows the EndDate to default, the After Update event does
not trigger. I'd like the user to see the chosen BeginDate
immediately after entering the EndDate.

Why not just apply a default value to the BeginDate as well? If they
change EndDate your AfterUpdate will fire and if they don't the default
value will be correct.
Where are you calculating the default EndDate? Can you also calculate the
default BeginDate (based on the calculated EndDate) in the same code?
As I understand it, as soon as the user calls up the
record, both default values should show. At that point,
the user has the option of changing the EndDate.
Therefore, use the same coding for the OnCurrent event as
in the AfterUpdate event.