I have a combo box that when Afterupdate is actioned, updates two fields
using the code below. This all works fine; but if I change the master data
elsewhere the only field that updates is the combo itself, but I want the
other two fields too update as well just like it does the first time when I
manuall use the combo box.
The fields [StreetNameID] and [Run_waypoint_ID] are properly linked using
cascade update. I tried using the code on the 'On Change' property, but this
didn't work either. What am I doing wrong?
Me.txt_Run_waypoint = DLookup("[StreetName]", "tbl_Street_Names",
"[StreetNameID] =" & txt_Run_waypoint_ID.Column(0))
Me.txt_Postcode = DLookup("[Postcode]", "tbl_Street_Names", "[StreetNameID]
=" & txt_Run_waypoint_ID.Column(0))
using the code below. This all works fine; but if I change the master data
elsewhere the only field that updates is the combo itself, but I want the
other two fields too update as well just like it does the first time when I
manuall use the combo box.
The fields [StreetNameID] and [Run_waypoint_ID] are properly linked using
cascade update. I tried using the code on the 'On Change' property, but this
didn't work either. What am I doing wrong?
Me.txt_Run_waypoint = DLookup("[StreetName]", "tbl_Street_Names",
"[StreetNameID] =" & txt_Run_waypoint_ID.Column(0))
Me.txt_Postcode = DLookup("[Postcode]", "tbl_Street_Names", "[StreetNameID]
=" & txt_Run_waypoint_ID.Column(0))