-----Original Message-----
Y're speaking about a Classroom subform ...
So the combo cboClassroom is on the masterform and
the yr subform Classroom needs to navigate to the corresponding
Classroom selection on parent form, right?
The below code is untested of course, but it will certainly
bring about some ideas you can adapt in yr situation.
below code assumes:
- there is a classroom primkey, called classroom_id
- boundcolumn of yr cboClassroom counters Classroom primkey
Private Sub cboclassroom_afterupdate()
Dim rs as dao.recordset
set rs = me.sfrmClassroom.Form.Recordsetclone
rs.findfirst "[classroom_id] = " & me.cboclassroom
If not rs.eof Then me.sfrmClassroom.form.bookmark = rs.bookmark
end sub
To ensure that cboClassroom on yr masterform stays syncronized with
selection in subform sfrmClassroom, enter following in the OnCurrent event
of the subform
private sub form_current()
me.parent.cboClassroom = me.classroom_id
end sub
"Randyfprf" <
[email protected]>