Hey all you smart people - using access03 I open a form with a combo box to
select a club and the afterupdate event of the combocox opens a report which
has a history of that clubs performance and sets the form to invisible. The
OnLoad of the form sets the focus to the combobox and dropsdown the list.
Then when the report closes it makes the form visible and drops down the
combobox again so the user can choose another from the list. Everything is
working fine except when I invoke the 'NoData' event in the report, I show a
msgbox indicating there are no records for that club. After I close the
msgbox the form reappears but the combobox is not dropped down. I would
like to have the list to dropdown again when I return to the form, but I
can't seem to put the code in the right place to make it happen. This is the
code I've got as it works, but the Club_combo won't dropdown when the form
reappears after the nodata event fires. Any ideas??
Form - PickAClub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub Club_combo_AfterUpDate()
On Error Resume Next
GlblClubName = Club_combo.Text ' save name of club to use in msgbox
Me.Visible = False
Docmd.OpenReport "ClubInfo", acViewPreview, , "ClubID = " &
End Sub
Report - ClubInfo
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel as Integer)
Msgbox ("There is No Data for " & GlblClubName)
Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Close()
[Forms]![PickAClub].Visible = True
End Sub
select a club and the afterupdate event of the combocox opens a report which
has a history of that clubs performance and sets the form to invisible. The
OnLoad of the form sets the focus to the combobox and dropsdown the list.
Then when the report closes it makes the form visible and drops down the
combobox again so the user can choose another from the list. Everything is
working fine except when I invoke the 'NoData' event in the report, I show a
msgbox indicating there are no records for that club. After I close the
msgbox the form reappears but the combobox is not dropped down. I would
like to have the list to dropdown again when I return to the form, but I
can't seem to put the code in the right place to make it happen. This is the
code I've got as it works, but the Club_combo won't dropdown when the form
reappears after the nodata event fires. Any ideas??
Form - PickAClub
Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub
Private Sub Club_combo_AfterUpDate()
On Error Resume Next
GlblClubName = Club_combo.Text ' save name of club to use in msgbox
Me.Visible = False
Docmd.OpenReport "ClubInfo", acViewPreview, , "ClubID = " &
End Sub
Report - ClubInfo
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel as Integer)
Msgbox ("There is No Data for " & GlblClubName)
Cancel = True
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Close()
[Forms]![PickAClub].Visible = True
End Sub