After installing updates PC goes wild - Help


Brigitte P

I have WindowsXP Medie Edition since Nov. 2003. On the first installation of
updates, my modem started to disable my telephone lines after disconnect.
Only manual removing telephone line and plugging back in would the phone
line and the modem work. I have new modem, slow as ...
Yesterday, I downloaded new windows updates and installed them. After this,
I lose about 20% of the right side of all windows (GeForce FX5200 display
driver). I can move the windows, but can't resize them. I also start to get
the old modem problem. What in the world is happening.
Are these known Windows problem, what can I do (how do I uninstall the
updates), or do I have just bad luck?
Thanks for any input.
Brigitte P.

Brigitte P

After browsing this group, it seems that at least my Window sizing problem
is caused by Norton (darn)!. I followed the advise from Carey Frisch, and my
Windows size accurately again. Now how about the modem problem?

Steve Nielsen

It sounds like the modem hardware has a problem, but have you tried
reinstalling the modem drivers?


Brigitte P

Thanks, yes I tried all of this. You may be right, I just have to go for
repair (machine is still under warranty, but I hate to be without, and to
have to crawl again and again under the desk to connect and disconnect). It
was just strange that the problem showed up after a Windows update or maybe
Norton update. Who knows. Thanks anyway.
Brigitte P.

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