had to use my Windows XP CD to recover from the continual rebooting /bsod
/reboot cycle and revert to SP2. I cannot no longer apply any updates, and I
am trying to copy off files and folders for a fresh install. I get constant
errors that I do not have rights to the files or folders to copy, move or
even open them. I have gone into the registry and given my user,
administrator, everyone full rights to everything in the registry, finally
gave rights to restricted.
I cannot change any rights on the files, I get the error that I do not have
the rights to my files and folders. I am the only user on this box, I did
create a new admin user, but that user cannot move or copy any files.
I have tried all the hacks and suggestions I have found so far, even
downloaded a couple of tool with no luck.
What a mess. I am stuck with Windows because of my applications :-(
My best suggestion to you is to flatten and rebuild.
Back up your personal files etc to an external media.
Also make sure you have/install the drivers you need for your
motherboard,video,card, sound card, etc.
Windows XP Service Pack 1a (if required)
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (if required)
Things to do prior downloadin/installing SP3.
1.Make an Image backup of the hard drive/Windows Partition before you
install SP3
2.Test your System Restore to see if it is working correctly.
3.Make absolutely sure the machine's free of any hijackware, Trojan, or
virus infections before installing SP3.
4.Run Disk Cleanup then run a Defrag session before installing SP3.
5.Disable all real-time protections (anti-virus; anti-spyware;third-party
firewall) before downloading/installing SP3.
6.Reboot twice after installing SP3.
7.Run another Defrag.
Detailed information:
Windows XP SP3 - Read all prerequisites for a successful installation
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview
Release Notes for Windows XP Service Pack 3
The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 3
Some third-party programs may experience a change in functionality after
you install Windows XP Service Pack 3
Steps to take before you install Windows XP Service Pack 3
How to obtain the latest Windows XP service pack
Create an Automated System Recovery set using Backup
How to Set up and Use Automated System Recovery in Windows XP
Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3)
Windows XP Service Pack 3 - ISO-9660 CD Image File:
Windows XP Service Pack 3 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals
and Developers
(Single installations for PCs can use the same file)
Recover from a system failure using Automated System Recovery
Error message when you try to install Windows XP Service Pack 3: "Access is
denied" or "Service Pack installation did not complete"
If you don't like the answers provided here go to:
Use this forum for all issues related to Windows XP SP3