After IF formulae - how to extract results into other sheet?

  • Thread starter Thread starter MikeR-Oz
  • Start date Start date



I have applied a IF statement to Colun H with results in Column I, (thanks
to this group on showing me how) BUt now I would like to condense the
results in Column I to a seperate sheet all together without all the spaces
that are in the I after the IF statement was applied.

Thanks for the extra help.

HI Gary's Student, I have ahd a quick look at the link.

I need the detail from across the other columns (to theleft) of what has
been placed in the last column based on the IF statement. So it seems to me
the array as it shifts the findings up to eliminate spaces would not work. Is
my assumption correct as I need the detail in the columns A - ..up to the IF

Dear Mike

Is this what you are looking for..Sheet1 Column I contain your values. You
want to populate the values without spaces to another sheet . Let us say
Sheet2 Col A

To remove the spaces before and after use this in Cell A1

To remove the spaces inbetween the cells use this in Cell A1
=SUBSTITUTE(Sheet1!I1," ","")

If this post helps click Yes
Jacob, I musrt have something wrong.

To explain. I have data that fills Columns A thru H. i then applied a IF
statement to the data to extract data from H that was only above a certain
level i.e numbers above 10. This info went into Column I.

I want to bring the data pertaining to only the 'I' column and assoaciated
rows back to column A on a seperate sheet all together. There is 2000 records
and the IF statement has many blanks with only say 50 entries fitting the IF
statment so I fugured if I could get this data onto a single sheet it would
make it easier and more meaningful.
