After I reset my Games they get scambled. Conditional Formatting orMacro messed up somewhere

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I have very complex linked books. The external books are large at is best.I will try my best to explain what is going on.

On the Input book, Input tab. The drawn numbers all go down "X" amount of rows (rows 2 thru 101) you tell it to. If I have my Input book full to Game 50 and the draw numbers in row 2 columns IJKLN are 12345. If I reset thegame by pressing CTL SHT L that will take all the numbers from rows 2-101 and move them down 1 row deleting the last draw in row 101 and placing the same numbers 12345 which will now appear in Game 49 row 3. If you do the CTL SHFT L again, it will move the 12345 down to game 48 row4 and so on. In the Input tab under columns PQRST you can reset back to different game numbers. I am also trying to clean the reset up with a Macro but that's for another day LOL

Its apparent that when I reset the games is when it gets out of sequence. I have attached 2 pics. You can see that in Game 50 it is EOEO and 49 is EEEE. When I rest back a game it goes to Game 49 EOEO and then EOEE which this would read EEEE. Still with me?? The counters in the Input book are supposed to match the counters in the external book. Example look at Game 49 in the Input book Row 11 columns CDEF. The counter has 5611 in it Now go to the external book to tab #1A-E-O row3 columns STUV you have 5611. This is how they link together. If you link them go to the last page on the external book and the Input book Input page to link. THATS THE ONLY WAY THEY WILL LINK CORRECTLY. If you look at the other counter numbers form theother rows in the input book 12-13-14 they should all match the tabs in the external book that are labeled the same Row 12 Input book 8572 goes toexternal book tab #2-E-O. Row 13 Input book 5413 goes to external book tab #3-E-O and so on. so, when I go to reset the books that's when the E-O gets scrambled so to speak. The UD's which are columns NOPQ and YZ AA AB seem to work well. You can look at the E-O page in the external book tab labels Even- Odd Start. Hopefully one of you gurus can help me fix my issues.. My brain is like duh after working on this for almost 2 years and I count cells and numbers in my sleep LOL Thanks

I will upload a few books

The links to books

External book _MOD.xlsx

Input Book'

This may get real confusing but I am trying to explain what is going on, In my books my 50+ and OBHITS E-O which stands for Even and Odd are getting jumbled when I reset my games back 1 (one) game. The cells all change colors and that's the red and green cells I am speaking about. Here is an upload. It is a bit hard to read but its the best way I think for me to explain what I am fighting. I have loaded up all 50 games and in 1A it starts Game 50. I then push CTL SHT and L to reset back 1 game to Game 49. In cell 1AA is game 49 except I have not change any of my draw numbers from the Input book input tab so It should read the same as A1. I again reset back 1 to Game 48 in cell 1BA and you can see its the same as Game 49. I reset it 1 more game to Game 47 1CAand as you can see it has changed again. If you continue to look all the way down you will see all my games get jumbled up.For example, look at row 4, row 5 and so on. They are messed up bad and I do not know how to fix them. The easiest way I have found to view these is place your cursor on the row so it lights yup the whole row Resets.xlsx

This is how you understand the Game sheets a little better
I will try to explain this a different way and also how some of the sheet works

On all my work I use the stop light theory as it is easy to look at and less on the brain. Green font and gray shade is Even or Up. Red font with yellow shade is either Odd or down... Green always means Even or up. Red always means Odd or down
Let me try to explain a little further and differently. Lets start with the cell W3 in game 40 has an 8. Because the 2 in cell A3 is smaller or went DOWN than the 8 cell W3 AD3 gets a RED cell color. Instead of writing this in a paragraph form I will list below what they should be and how they work
W4 has a 13 and because the 18 in A4 is larger or went UP AC4 gets a greencell
W5 has a 16 and because the 20 in A5 is larger or went UP AC5 gets a greencell
W6 has a 33 and because the 24 in A6 is smaller or went DOWN AD6 gets a red cell
50+ Hit Numbers Even/Odd
W11 has a 12 and A11 has a 8 the number went DOWN so AD11 gets a RED cell
W12 has a 4 and A12 has 14 and the number went UP so AC12 gets a Green cell
W13 has a 9 and A13 has a 17 and the number went UP so AC13 gets a Green cell
W14 has a 6 and A14 has a 12 and the number went UP so AC12 gets a Green cell
I think you have my drift. I was trying really hard to take this a bit at a time. When I reset my sheets the area in the 50+ and OBHITS E-O get jumbled up and some of the cells where I have to place a E or O them get mixed up. I mean it may say it gets a E but I have to place an O

What my issue is I have several cells that should be Red and they are Green and when I place a E in a cell for Even in order for it to work I have tochange it to a O in the cells IJ 11-12-13-14-19-20-21-22

The Ups and Downs all work fine TU AE AF
On the Input book, Input tab. The drawn numbers all go down "X" amount of rows (rows 2 thru 101) you tell it to. If I have my Input book full to Game50 and the draw numbers in row 2 columns IJKLN are 12345. If I reset the game by pressing CTL SHT L that will take all the numbers from rows 2-101 and move them down 1 row deleting the last draw in row 101 and placing the same numbers 12345 which will now appear in Game 49 row 3. If you do the CTL SHFT L again, it will move the 12345 down to game 48 row4 and so on. In theInput tab under columns PQRST you can reset back to different game numbers..