after front page what?

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hello, i am wondering, since Front Page doesnt exist anymore, is there a
software that replaces Front Page and follows the same simple style and
programming? For example I am trying to use microsoft expression web and it
is very complicated.. i liked the 'theme selection' of front page for
example. Do you know any current, new software to suggest to me please?

thank you very much
Why don't you just continue to use FP if EW is too complicated


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| hello, i am wondering, since Front Page doesnt exist anymore, is there a
| software that replaces Front Page and follows the same simple style and
| programming? For example I am trying to use microsoft expression web and it
| is very complicated.. i liked the 'theme selection' of front page for
| example. Do you know any current, new software to suggest to me please?
| thank you very much
If you still have FrontPage, what makes you think you can't continue using
it if you like it?

Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
: hello, i am wondering, since Front Page doesnt exist anymore, is there a
: software that replaces Front Page and follows the same simple style and
: programming? For example I am trying to use microsoft expression web and
: is very complicated.. i liked the 'theme selection' of front page for
: example. Do you know any current, new software to suggest to me please?
: thank you very much