Aero Glass in Beta

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I have a Nvidia 7800GS agp AMD AthlonXP 2800+ Asus Nforce2 motherboard
1.25 gig of ram Sony lcd 20" 204e monitor 1600x1200.

question is with Aero Glass turned on and enable transparent glass it
does look transparent, but it does not look like glass as on
the vista page below. look at it under windows heading: ( Windows Aero )
The window bar is over grass or something else, but this is what
i want mine to look like. the look in the image is Awesome!!!!!

Tell me what you think

maybe it Nvidia's lastest driver beta driver is not up to speed?
Goto the Nvidia direver update page. I think I remember seeing that they have
2 or 3 updated drivers for VISTA support.
I see what you mean. I have a BFG 6800 OC. The bottom of my screen (where
the Quick Launch taskbar is), is charcoal gray. I can see through it to the
Desktop, but it's not as translucent as the what's in the picture.

It could be the new nVidia Vista drivers, or someone at Microsoft who really
knows how to use Microsoft Digital Image 2006.

It all depends on the amount of transparency for the Aero. Also when a
application is fullscreen/maximize the taskbar background "turns" black,
changing the way the "glass" looks.