René Hansen
I am looking for a config for my new PC. i have been reading reviews and
test and have so far come to this config underneath.
I would like some input from you regarding this configuration both good and
I am a gamer but do also mess with DV film and music.
Min foreløbelige konfiguartion ser således ud.
Here is the configuration I am planning to buy
Motherboard : Asus P5N32-SLI plus ailifestyle series
CPU: Intel E6700
Graphiccard: Asus en8800 GTS
Memory: Corsair Value 2X1GB PC2-4200 667 mhz
Harddrive: Maxtor Diamondmax 10 320 GB
DvdDrive: Got it
Floppy: Got it
Case. Really dont know what to buy here: Ihave been looking at coolermaster
and Antec.... Please feel free to give your advise.
I live in Denmark by the way
Håber i har tid til input
I am looking for a config for my new PC. i have been reading reviews and
test and have so far come to this config underneath.
I would like some input from you regarding this configuration both good and
I am a gamer but do also mess with DV film and music.
Min foreløbelige konfiguartion ser således ud.
Here is the configuration I am planning to buy
Motherboard : Asus P5N32-SLI plus ailifestyle series
CPU: Intel E6700
Graphiccard: Asus en8800 GTS
Memory: Corsair Value 2X1GB PC2-4200 667 mhz
Harddrive: Maxtor Diamondmax 10 320 GB
DvdDrive: Got it
Floppy: Got it
Case. Really dont know what to buy here: Ihave been looking at coolermaster
and Antec.... Please feel free to give your advise.
I live in Denmark by the way
Håber i har tid til input