advise on the perfect laptop for me

Jul 24, 2005
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For the past month I've been searching for a laptop that is ideal for me. I want:
fast processor
40+ gigs
512 MB
less than 7 lbs
sturdy (I don't want another fujitsu breaking down)
need a built in optical drive
decent video/audio for the occassional games
long battery life (3+ hrs)
Good customer support (though haven't seen one company with a good support team)
So yeah, those are the requirements I want and I'm a student and price is not a big problem.
So far I've looked at the alienware sentia notebooks and the acer ferrari 4000 but I've held back because of the awful customer support. IBM seems really good except for the external optical drive.
Please reply, I need a laptop soon.
Dell Inspiron Laptops are good, and you get good customer support....