I am working on transerring a database from Panorama into Access. The form
deals with donations from donors for up to 5 different funds. In Pan. each
donor has a donor # (Primary key). When the donor gives to more than one
fund, they previously made a new record, using the same donor # just
different recipient info. I am sure there is a way to narrow down the
records to just one per donor with more than one recipient on the same
record. What I want to say is that Mr. Donor has given $x to fund A, $x to
fund B, and so on. This sounds easy and I am sure that I can figure this out
with a lot of thought. What I need to do at the end of the month is to let
each fund know who they recieved gifts from. I am making a lot of changes
from my previous database and my creative juices are running dry. I guess I
am looking for a starting point or just a word of encouragement. Any tips
out there?
deals with donations from donors for up to 5 different funds. In Pan. each
donor has a donor # (Primary key). When the donor gives to more than one
fund, they previously made a new record, using the same donor # just
different recipient info. I am sure there is a way to narrow down the
records to just one per donor with more than one recipient on the same
record. What I want to say is that Mr. Donor has given $x to fund A, $x to
fund B, and so on. This sounds easy and I am sure that I can figure this out
with a lot of thought. What I need to do at the end of the month is to let
each fund know who they recieved gifts from. I am making a lot of changes
from my previous database and my creative juices are running dry. I guess I
am looking for a starting point or just a word of encouragement. Any tips
out there?