Advent T9610 or PHILIPS HEPC 7501/05??

May 15, 2008
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Im looking to buy a new pc and have come accross these two pc's linked below...

Im just wondering which one is best and what your opinions are of them etc. Iv'e heard the advets are put together with cheaper parts and a not so good graphics card, but dont know much about the philips computer or computers in general.

Any feedback woudl be greatly apreciated, and thanks in advance.
ttmw said:
Im looking to buy a new pc and have come accross these two pc's linked below...

Im just wondering which one is best and what your opinions are of them etc. Iv'e heard the advets are put together with cheaper parts and a not so good graphics card, but dont know much about the philips computer or computers in general.

Any feedback woudl be greatly apreciated, and thanks in advance.

If any the Phillips.. But ask yourself a question Why are they refurbished??? Most company made PCs are built with the cheapest components:rolleyes:
What makes you opt for the philips over the advent if you dont mind me asking?
ttmw said:
What makes you opt for the philips over the advent if you dont mind me asking?

Not speaking for itsme of course but if you compare spec it's something of a no brainer :)

Ok, the Philips is fifty quid more but it has:

Faster processor
Bigger hard drive
TV Tuner card
Better graphics

The only thing the Advent has going for it is 3Gb of memory compared to the Philips' 2Gb, which isn't a biggie really, memory is cheap at the moment and on a machine like that it won't be that noticeable either.

Both look to have shared graphics, don't expect to play any decent games on either but I have to say, considering it's PC World, they are fair prices.

Having said that, check out much better company, much better machines, much better prices. PC World are notorius for bad support.
floppybootstomp said:
Not speaking for itsme of course but if you compare spec it's something of a no brainer :)

Ok, the Philips is fifty quid more but it has:

Faster processor
Bigger hard drive
TV Tuner card
Better graphics

The only thing the Advent has going for it is 3Gb of memory compared to the Philips' 2Gb, which isn't a biggie really, memory is cheap at the moment and on a machine like that it won't be that noticeable either.

Both look to have shared graphics, don't expect to play any decent games on either but I have to say, considering it's PC World, they are fair prices.

Having said that, check out much better company, much better machines, much better prices. PC World are notorius for bad support.

You have it in one FBS;) :thumb: And A gig of RAM £20.00 so a saving of £30
Great,thanks! I dont play a lot of games anyway but id like to plan for it incase i get the urge lol, how much would a decent enough graphics card be for the philips one?
ttmw said:
Just looking at that novateck site that you kindly linked my to, and was wondering how this one... compares. To me it seems realy good fo the price but id love your input on it if possible?

I would say it all looks fine to me. What you using it for? I would get it with Vista as Microsoft are slowing taking support away for XP. that pc has a good video card as well if you want to play games.


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il be using it for photoshop, dreamweaver, bit of strategy gaming probably but not online, listening to music alot and general internet use. I have a lot of programs going at the same time in a lot of cases so being able to cope with that is a must. Im stuck between the philips and novatech now so which would you suggest i went for in your opinion?

p.s thanks for the feedback so far evereyone.
I would say that 2gb would be ok, Vista works well on 2gb ram. If you have any problems with it you could always up-grade the ram to 4gb. I would go for the Novatech one if I were you as I have had problems with PC World like Flops said in his post before.


wizkid said:
I would say that 2gb would be ok, Vista works well on 2gb ram. If you have any problems with it you could always up-grade the ram to 4gb. I would go for the Novatech one if I were you as I have had problems with PC World like Flops said in his post before.



What wiz says:nod:
Spec wise, which would be better. Are you choosing one over the other because of pc world reputation or because novatech are build well, just as a matter of interest?
On paper, the Philips one at PC World is ok but I have to temper that view with the fact that it's refurbished. The price they're asking is only slightly less than you'd pay for new components.

And Novatech are much better people to deal with than PC World, to be quite honest.