Thank you all for your dedication to this site. I have learned so much in
the few weeks I have been reading. I started reading because I have been
planning a clean re-install-- the basics of which I am fairly familiar with
since having installed/upgraded XP for several friends. My target date is
this weekend. So I will likely be posting several times until then. My
question of the moment is in regards to Larry Gardner's recent reply about
My system is setup this way:
1. C: - Windows XP OS
2. D: - Documents ans Settings for all profiles
3. E: - Third-Party/Additionally installed Software (software not part of
basic Windows out-of-the-box XP OS)
4. F: - Backup
My current setup is similar (except for a copy of Win98 on C, thus XP
enumeration starts at letter D) but I have apparently set it up in a rather
cumbersome fashion; I sometimes find myself fiddling with organizing data on
partitions instead of working.
My question is this: would it be better to mount partitions to folders,
i.e.- E: as the Program Files folder and F: as the Docs & Settings folder,
rather than "forcing" 3rd party software to install onto a folder on the E:
partition? If so, should one mount before or after installing the bulk of
applications (does it even matter?).
Also, as regards to taking system images, if one has mounted partitions as
folders, I assume that Norton Ghost would include the contents of a mounted
partition as part of the backup since it should read the partition just as if
it WAS the folder. Is this asuumption correct? Further, in the event of
restoring said image, would Ghost automatically "re-mount" the partition to
its original configuration? or would it try to stuff it all onto the same
partition as the OS?
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, v2002, SP2
Intel Celeron CPU 2.40GHz
2.39 GHz, 512 RAM
40GB hard drive (more than I need)
the few weeks I have been reading. I started reading because I have been
planning a clean re-install-- the basics of which I am fairly familiar with
since having installed/upgraded XP for several friends. My target date is
this weekend. So I will likely be posting several times until then. My
question of the moment is in regards to Larry Gardner's recent reply about
My system is setup this way:
1. C: - Windows XP OS
2. D: - Documents ans Settings for all profiles
3. E: - Third-Party/Additionally installed Software (software not part of
basic Windows out-of-the-box XP OS)
4. F: - Backup
My current setup is similar (except for a copy of Win98 on C, thus XP
enumeration starts at letter D) but I have apparently set it up in a rather
cumbersome fashion; I sometimes find myself fiddling with organizing data on
partitions instead of working.
My question is this: would it be better to mount partitions to folders,
i.e.- E: as the Program Files folder and F: as the Docs & Settings folder,
rather than "forcing" 3rd party software to install onto a folder on the E:
partition? If so, should one mount before or after installing the bulk of
applications (does it even matter?).
Also, as regards to taking system images, if one has mounted partitions as
folders, I assume that Norton Ghost would include the contents of a mounted
partition as part of the backup since it should read the partition just as if
it WAS the folder. Is this asuumption correct? Further, in the event of
restoring said image, would Ghost automatically "re-mount" the partition to
its original configuration? or would it try to stuff it all onto the same
partition as the OS?
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, v2002, SP2
Intel Celeron CPU 2.40GHz
2.39 GHz, 512 RAM
40GB hard drive (more than I need)