Windows XP advanced server 2000 wierd startup entry

Feb 7, 2007
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I just run msconfig on a windows 2000 server thats being used as a terminal services server
and found this entry in the startup section

any ideas what that is - as there is a tick in the box that says its activated
but there is no name by which its referenced

some spyware etc looks like that in msconfig but somehow I dont think this is a spyware entry
Bare with us kpax i'm sure someone will help you out soon. I dont use Server 2k so cant help really :)
I am setting up a terminal services server and its the first time I've ever done this
so I am being extra cautious before turning off services or startups - I have
a company relying on me to get this server running by tomorrow so you can imagine how nervous I am
about every error message and stuff that doesnt look right
Hmmm it can wait - I dont think its a fatal flaw - I'm treating it as a curiosity for the time being. Thanks for the suggestion tho - I am having a little trouble with the netlogon on the domain controller as well buut thats a whole nother thread !!
I like the look of this forum and chose it because quite a few of the answers about servers are "spot on" so even though I have never heard of it before I kinda wondered in - and aim to stay a while - nice friendly atmosphere here
What is the actual entry kpax, as most files should be listed under HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run but you don't give the filename? :)
yeah I already do some crunching for the med researchers at Berkley Uni in California - they are looking into the concept of dna folding (whatever that is) so I thought that even though I didnt understand a word of what they were trying to do excpt find a cure for kidney disease - I thought "sounds like a worthy cause" and now I get others to download it too - I will have a look into the crunchers you link to here
What is the actual entry kpax, as most files should be listed under HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run but you don't give the filename?

In msconfig theres no name associated with it and it just gives that registry key as the data
but when I checked the registry and followed that path there was nothing listed there - no keys were in
so I wondered if it was a terminal services entry of some kind
I'm not sure what that could be then, I'd ignore it unless you think it could be spyware (someone else with more server knowledge may know different). Have you run an anti-virus/spyware application just to be sure?

If there isn't anything in that registry path then I doubt that it could do anything, it's probably just some old dormant entry :) Sometimes when you uninstall software this happens.