On some Vista machines (like my Vista "ultimate" PC), Vista search for
strings will not work on files that do not have the proper extensions. I
simply cannot search files for a specified string for many file types.
The check box "Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files (might be
slow)" simply does not work on my version of Vista Ultimate, and no one at
Microsoft cares. They said they could not reproduce my problem report,
but they refuse to investigate the Vista search failure on my machine.
You can try going to Control Panel | Indexing Options | Advanced | File
types and make sure that files types of interest have "index properties
and file contents" specified. I love the new Vista way: discover a file
extension that is not indexed correctly. Fix the specification for that
file extension and wait for your sysem to be re-indexed. Repeat (and
waste your time) as necessary, until all needed file extensions have been
indexed. For those with many old legacy files, and files from other
platforms that do not conform with Vista's extensions, you may not be able
to effectively search those files in Vista -- ever. Discovering that Vista
is not finding old files can be quite fustrating and time consuming, but
again, no one at Microsoft cares.
I have searched for months for a solution and cannot find a Vista search
solution without a 3rd party search tool on my Vista "ultimate" machine.
I have found Agent Ransack to work reasonably well as a replacement search
for Vista:
Vista does not have the search capability that has been present in Windows
Explorer in Windows 95, but no one at Microsoft cares. Microsoft is quite
happy to give us a very fast seach, but does not care that the search is
flawed or only works on certain machines. And if you have many files on
your machine, you can't search until everything is indexed.
Microsoft management has stopped answering my E-mails about the flawed
search in Vista -- they simply do not care that Vista search does not
work. Unless or until a very large customer demands that Vista search be
fixed, Microsoft will ignore the problem.