Advanced row selections using Parent Child relationships

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I have 3 tables related to this issue which I will present in xml-form for
best known legibility...

<User id="1" name="User One"/>
<User id="2" name="User Two">

<Container id="10" name="My container"/>
<Container id="46" name="My second container"/>

<UserContainer container="10" user="1"/>
<UserContainer container="46" user="1"/>
<UserContainer container="10" user="2"/>
<UserContainer container="46" user="2"/>

Now, lets say I want to get one copy of every "User" that is in the same
"Container", I had made it as far as something along the lines of...

mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select("user = 1");
string query = "";
for (int ix = 0; ix < rows.Length; ix++)
if (ix > 0) query += " OR ";
query += "container = " + row[container];
mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select(query);

Now rows contains all the rows that the users share, but one big issue, it
includes four usercontainer rows when I wish to have two containerrows, one
for each unique user that shares a container, so I wished to modify this a
little bit along the lines of...

mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select("user = 1");
string query = "";
for (int ix = 0; ix < rows.Length; ix++)
if (ix > 0) query += " OR ";
query += "Child(relContainerUser).container = " + row[container];
mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select(query);

With the change adding "Child(relContainerUser)" to get specific "User" rows
where one of their children's container columns are one of the containers
we're looking for. Now I'm faced with a new problem, I start getting
exceptions left and right, mainly "Cannot interpret token 'child' at position
1", which leaves me absolutely dead-ended in finding a solution to this
problem, if anyone could give me any insights it would be greatly
appreciated, I've even been told that using all out XmlDocument with XPath
(eg. storing containers under users and using something like
"//users/user[container[@id=# or # or #]]" to collect my parsed list of
exactly what I need) to store all my data instead but I was worried about
converting to that, if that's the best case as well let me know, thanks in
This problem sounds extremely interesting and I'd love to work on it,
however everytime I try going thru what you are trying to do, I get confused
get a headache and need yet another coffee.

So let me understand your problem first, your data looks like 3 data
tables -
<User id="1" name="User One"/>
<User id="2" name="User Two">

<Container id="10" name="My container"/>
<Container id="46" name="My second container"/>

<UserContainer container="10" user="1"/>
<UserContainer container="46" user="1"/>
<UserContainer container="10" user="2"/>
<UserContainer container="46" user="2"/>

.... What do you want your results to look like .. if you can tell those in a
clear concise format as you specified your data, that'd be ultra awesome !!

Sorry for asking you to restate your question out of my inability to
understand your question, but this sounds like an extremely interesting
problem that I'd love to work on.

- Sahil Malik

Xedecimal said:
I have 3 tables related to this issue which I will present in xml-form for
best known legibility...

<User id="1" name="User One"/>
<User id="2" name="User Two">

<Container id="10" name="My container"/>
<Container id="46" name="My second container"/>

<UserContainer container="10" user="1"/>
<UserContainer container="46" user="1"/>
<UserContainer container="10" user="2"/>
<UserContainer container="46" user="2"/>

Now, lets say I want to get one copy of every "User" that is in the same
"Container", I had made it as far as something along the lines of...

mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select("user = 1");
string query = "";
for (int ix = 0; ix < rows.Length; ix++)
if (ix > 0) query += " OR ";
query += "container = " + row[container];
mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select(query);

Now rows contains all the rows that the users share, but one big issue, it
includes four usercontainer rows when I wish to have two containerrows, one
for each unique user that shares a container, so I wished to modify this a
little bit along the lines of...

mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select("user = 1");
string query = "";
for (int ix = 0; ix < rows.Length; ix++)
if (ix > 0) query += " OR ";
query += "Child(relContainerUser).container = " + row[container];
mydata.UserContainerRow[] rows = mydata.UserContainer.Select(query);

With the change adding "Child(relContainerUser)" to get specific "User" rows
where one of their children's container columns are one of the containers
we're looking for. Now I'm faced with a new problem, I start getting
exceptions left and right, mainly "Cannot interpret token 'child' at position
1", which leaves me absolutely dead-ended in finding a solution to this
problem, if anyone could give me any insights it would be greatly
appreciated, I've even been told that using all out XmlDocument with XPath
(eg. storing containers under users and using something like
"//users/user[container[@id=# or # or #]]" to collect my parsed list of
exactly what I need) to store all my data instead but I was worried about
converting to that, if that's the best case as well let me know, thanks in
orry this is so confusing, and no need to appologize, thank you very much for
being responsive to my issue, I haven't found anyone really that has a good
solution for me.

Lets just say I have three entities. User, Container and UserContainer.
UserContainer links User to Container and I'm using this third
(UserContainer) entity instead of just adding an attribute called "Container"
to user, because a single user can exist in multiple containers.

So since a single User can exist in multiple Containers, then if I wanted to
take a single User, and get a list of User rows that share at least one
container as this User, I will end up with multiple User rows that are
duplicates. For example...

UserA is in ContainerA and ContainerB.
UserB is in ContainerA and ContainerB.

This means there are four (4) UserContainer rows, two for each user for a
query that looks like this...

mydata.UserContainer.Select("Container = ContainerA OR Container =


So I was thinking that in using relations, I could get the actual User rows
that have any container that is related to any container that the specific
user that we're looking for is inside.

The relations go a little something like, User.ID <-> UserContainer.UserID
and Container.ID <-> UserContainer.ContainerID, where UserContainer is the
child of both User and Container in relation. Since UserContainer is the
child, I would use a query something like...

User.Select("Child(relUserContainer).ContainerID = ContainerA OR
Child(relUserContainer).ContainerID = ContainerB");

With this I would actually be selecting from the User entity instead of the
UserContainer entity and this would return only one single unique user per
row (no duplicates), which is what I want but I always get syntax errors in
the Select() when I try to use Child() anything like that. I also tried
Child.ContainerID = ContainerA, etc.

Note, None of these names are specific or types specified, to hopefully try
and clear up my chicken scratch clarity. This still looks pretty confusing to
me but I'm at a blank as to how I can make it much clearer. If you have any
specific questions or anything about it, please let me know and I'll
elaborate as much as I can.
I was reading all of this and one tiny little part caught my eye...

object LastValue = null;
foreach (DataRow dr in SourceTable.Select("", FieldName))
if (LastValue == null || !(ColumnEqual(LastValue,
LastValue = dr[FieldName];
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { LastValue });

I realized after reading this part that every row is actually ordered by the
user, so I could store the last object and check if it matches and only do
what I want it to when it's on a unique one, thus a feux distinct select, and
exactly what I needed, a few little lines of code changed and kapow!
Everything works perfect now, not to mention this is good information for
other people that want to create whole new sets of distinct data... Thanks a
ton, a good christmas present, lol.

Sahil Malik said:
Okay let me confirm my understanding of your issue first.

InputData: You have 3 tables - User/Container and a many to many
relationship map of UserContainer .. right?
Expected OutputResults: And given a userID, you wish to find out all user
ids that share atleast one container with this user .. and this should be
without duplications .. right??

Okay .. if that is the situation, here is the recommended solution ---

Have one Dataset with the following 3 tables -User/Container/UserContainer.
Create relationships between User-UserContainer and Container-UserContainer.

Okay now lets assume that ur writing a function for this purpose called ..

static Array GetContainerSharingUserTableRows(DataRow UserRow)
// Code goes here.

The pseudo logic for that should be as follows ---- (Code files attached)

1. Given the user Row, lets go left to right, find all the relvant
2. Going left to right, lets get relevantContainerRows
... Now starts the fun, lets start the reverse trip, start goign right to
left, but relations will give duplicates so do this ..
3. Create a select query that looks like "ContainerID in ('A','B'...)
4. Then use the function I have written in the copy pasted code below that
does a SelectDistinct instead of Select (SelectDistinct is something that is
not provided as a standard part of ADO.NET ur gonna have to write it urself,
or copy it from the copy paste I have given below) ----------- Very
important, this in order to function adds the table and a relation into the
original dataset, and if you wish to call the same function repeatedly on
the same dataset over and over again, then you might need to clean the
dataset of Table[3] and Relation[2] after this operation is done. (See
comment in code // You might need to clean this later)
5. Fine .. now that we have the relevant DISTINCT rows from the middle
table, find parent rows for all such distinct rows and add those to an
6. Do a ArrayList.ToArray and return the results - those are your distinct

The relevant code is both copy pasted and attached as a .CS for your
convinience :)

.................. Copy paste of code start..........................
#region Using directives

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Data ;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Configuration ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Xml ;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
// private const string CONN_STR =
"Server=(local);Database=Adventureworks;Integrated Security=SSPI";
static DataSet ds;
static void Main(string[] args)
ds = GetDataSet();
Array userRows =

static Array GetContainerSharingUserTableRows(DataRow UserRow)
DataRelation FirstRel = ds.Relations["FirstRel"] ;
DataRelation SecondRel = ds.Relations["SecondRel"] ;

// Left to Right Trip
DataRow[] UserContainerRows = UserRow.GetChildRows(FirstRel);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList() ;
foreach (DataRow usercontainerrow in UserContainerRows)

Array containerrows = al.ToArray();
// Right to left trip
// formulate the where clause for the select first.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("ContainerID in (");
foreach (DataRow containerrow in containerrows)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
DataTable ReverseUserContainerRows =
SelectDistinct("UserContainerDistinct", ds.Tables[2], "UserID",
// Now setup a new relation
ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("ThirdRel",
ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], ds.Tables[3].Columns[0])) ;
DataRelation thirdRel = ds.Relations[2];
ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow usercontainerrow in
Array userrows = al2.ToArray();
return userrows;

static DataTable SelectDistinct(string TableName, DataTable
SourceTable, string FieldName, string FilterExpression)
DataTable dt = new DataTable(TableName);

object LastValue = null;
foreach (DataRow dr in SourceTable.Select("", FieldName))
if (LastValue == null || !(ColumnEqual(LastValue,
LastValue = dr[FieldName];
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { LastValue });
// You might need to clean this later
if (ds != null)
return dt;

static bool ColumnEqual(object A, object B)

// Compares two values to see if they are equal. Also compares
// Note: If your DataTable contains object fields, then you must
extend this
// function to handle them in a meaningful way if you intend to
group on them.

if (A == DBNull.Value && B == DBNull.Value) // both are
return true;
if (A == DBNull.Value || B == DBNull.Value) // only one is
return false;
return (A.Equals(B)); // value type standard comparison
static DataSet GetDataSet()
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable("Users");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("UserID")) ;
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";


dt = new DataTable("Container");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ContainerID"));

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "B";


dt = new DataTable("UserContainer");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("UserID"));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ContainerID"));

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";
dr[1] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";
dr[1] = "B";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";
dr[1] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";
dr[1] = "B";


ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FirstRel",
ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], ds.Tables[2].Columns[0]));
ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("SecondRel",
ds.Tables[1].Columns[0], ds.Tables[2].Columns[1]));

return ds;
............................ Copy paste of code end
- Sahil Malik

Xedecimal said:
orry this is so confusing, and no need to appologize, thank you very much
being responsive to my issue, I haven't found anyone really that has a
solution for me.

Lets just say I have three entities. User, Container and UserContainer.
UserContainer links User to Container and I'm using this third
(UserContainer) entity instead of just adding an attribute called
to user, because a single user can exist in multiple containers.

So since a single User can exist in multiple Containers, then if I wanted
take a single User, and get a list of User rows that share at least one
container as this User, I will end up with multiple User rows that are
duplicates. For example...

UserA is in ContainerA and ContainerB.
UserB is in ContainerA and ContainerB.

This means there are four (4) UserContainer rows, two for each user for a
query that looks like this...

mydata.UserContainer.Select("Container = ContainerA OR Container =


So I was thinking that in using relations, I could get the actual User
that have any container that is related to any container that the specific
user that we're looking for is inside.

The relations go a little something like, User.ID <-> UserContainer.UserID
and Container.ID <-> UserContainer.ContainerID, where UserContainer is the
child of both User and Container in relation. Since UserContainer is the
child, I would use a query something like...

User.Select("Child(relUserContainer).ContainerID = ContainerA OR
Child(relUserContainer).ContainerID = ContainerB");

With this I would actually be selecting from the User entity instead of
UserContainer entity and this would return only one single unique user per
row (no duplicates), which is what I want but I always get syntax errors
the Select() when I try to use Child() anything like that. I also tried
Child.ContainerID = ContainerA, etc.

Note, None of these names are specific or types specified, to hopefully
and clear up my chicken scratch clarity. This still looks pretty confusing
me but I'm at a blank as to how I can make it much clearer. If you have
specific questions or anything about it, please let me know and I'll
elaborate as much as I can
I'm glad .. Merry Christmas to you too !! :)

- Sahil Malik

Xedecimal said:
I was reading all of this and one tiny little part caught my eye...

object LastValue = null;
foreach (DataRow dr in SourceTable.Select("", FieldName))
if (LastValue == null || !(ColumnEqual(LastValue,
LastValue = dr[FieldName];
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { LastValue });

I realized after reading this part that every row is actually ordered by
user, so I could store the last object and check if it matches and only do
what I want it to when it's on a unique one, thus a feux distinct select,
exactly what I needed, a few little lines of code changed and kapow!
Everything works perfect now, not to mention this is good information for
other people that want to create whole new sets of distinct data... Thanks
ton, a good christmas present, lol.

Sahil Malik said:
Okay let me confirm my understanding of your issue first.

InputData: You have 3 tables - User/Container and a many to many
relationship map of UserContainer .. right?
Expected OutputResults: And given a userID, you wish to find out all user
ids that share atleast one container with this user .. and this should be
without duplications .. right??

Okay .. if that is the situation, here is the recommended solution ---

Have one Dataset with the following 3
tables -User/Container/UserContainer.
Create relationships between User-UserContainer and

Okay now lets assume that ur writing a function for this purpose called

static Array GetContainerSharingUserTableRows(DataRow UserRow)
// Code goes here.

The pseudo logic for that should be as follows ---- (Code files attached)

1. Given the user Row, lets go left to right, find all the relvant
2. Going left to right, lets get relevantContainerRows
... Now starts the fun, lets start the reverse trip, start goign right to
left, but relations will give duplicates so do this ..
3. Create a select query that looks like "ContainerID in ('A','B'...)
4. Then use the function I have written in the copy pasted code below
does a SelectDistinct instead of Select (SelectDistinct is something that
not provided as a standard part of ADO.NET ur gonna have to write it
or copy it from the copy paste I have given below) ----------- Very
important, this in order to function adds the table and a relation into
original dataset, and if you wish to call the same function repeatedly on
the same dataset over and over again, then you might need to clean the
dataset of Table[3] and Relation[2] after this operation is done. (See
comment in code // You might need to clean this later)
5. Fine .. now that we have the relevant DISTINCT rows from the middle
table, find parent rows for all such distinct rows and add those to an
6. Do a ArrayList.ToArray and return the results - those are your

The relevant code is both copy pasted and attached as a .CS for your
convinience :)

.................. Copy paste of code start..........................
#region Using directives

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Data ;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Configuration ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Xml ;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
// private const string CONN_STR =
"Server=(local);Database=Adventureworks;Integrated Security=SSPI";
static DataSet ds;
static void Main(string[] args)
ds = GetDataSet();
Array userRows =

static Array GetContainerSharingUserTableRows(DataRow UserRow)
DataRelation FirstRel = ds.Relations["FirstRel"] ;
DataRelation SecondRel = ds.Relations["SecondRel"] ;

// Left to Right Trip
DataRow[] UserContainerRows = UserRow.GetChildRows(FirstRel);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList() ;
foreach (DataRow usercontainerrow in UserContainerRows)

Array containerrows = al.ToArray();
// Right to left trip
// formulate the where clause for the select first.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("ContainerID in (");
foreach (DataRow containerrow in containerrows)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
DataTable ReverseUserContainerRows =
SelectDistinct("UserContainerDistinct", ds.Tables[2], "UserID",
// Now setup a new relation
ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("ThirdRel",
ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], ds.Tables[3].Columns[0])) ;
DataRelation thirdRel = ds.Relations[2];
ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow usercontainerrow in
Array userrows = al2.ToArray();
return userrows;

static DataTable SelectDistinct(string TableName, DataTable
SourceTable, string FieldName, string FilterExpression)
DataTable dt = new DataTable(TableName);

object LastValue = null;
foreach (DataRow dr in SourceTable.Select("", FieldName))
if (LastValue == null || !(ColumnEqual(LastValue,
LastValue = dr[FieldName];
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { LastValue });
// You might need to clean this later
if (ds != null)
return dt;

static bool ColumnEqual(object A, object B)

// Compares two values to see if they are equal. Also
// Note: If your DataTable contains object fields, then you
extend this
// function to handle them in a meaningful way if you intend
group on them.

if (A == DBNull.Value && B == DBNull.Value) // both are
return true;
if (A == DBNull.Value || B == DBNull.Value) // only one is
return false;
return (A.Equals(B)); // value type standard comparison
static DataSet GetDataSet()
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable("Users");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("UserID")) ;
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";


dt = new DataTable("Container");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ContainerID"));

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "B";


dt = new DataTable("UserContainer");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("UserID"));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ContainerID"));

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";
dr[1] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";
dr[1] = "B";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";
dr[1] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";
dr[1] = "B";


ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FirstRel",
ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], ds.Tables[2].Columns[0]));
ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("SecondRel",
ds.Tables[1].Columns[0], ds.Tables[2].Columns[1]));

return ds;
............................ Copy paste of code end
- Sahil Malik

Xedecimal said:
orry this is so confusing, and no need to appologize, thank you very
being responsive to my issue, I haven't found anyone really that has a
solution for me.

Lets just say I have three entities. User, Container and UserContainer.
UserContainer links User to Container and I'm using this third
(UserContainer) entity instead of just adding an attribute called
to user, because a single user can exist in multiple containers.

So since a single User can exist in multiple Containers, then if I
take a single User, and get a list of User rows that share at least one
container as this User, I will end up with multiple User rows that are
duplicates. For example...

UserA is in ContainerA and ContainerB.
UserB is in ContainerA and ContainerB.

This means there are four (4) UserContainer rows, two for each user for
query that looks like this...

mydata.UserContainer.Select("Container = ContainerA OR Container =


So I was thinking that in using relations, I could get the actual User
that have any container that is related to any container that the
user that we're looking for is inside.

The relations go a little something like, User.ID <->
and Container.ID <-> UserContainer.ContainerID, where UserContainer is
child of both User and Container in relation. Since UserContainer is
child, I would use a query something like...

User.Select("Child(relUserContainer).ContainerID = ContainerA OR
Child(relUserContainer).ContainerID = ContainerB");

With this I would actually be selecting from the User entity instead of
UserContainer entity and this would return only one single unique user
row (no duplicates), which is what I want but I always get syntax
the Select() when I try to use Child() anything like that. I also tried
Child.ContainerID = ContainerA, etc.

Note, None of these names are specific or types specified, to hopefully
and clear up my chicken scratch clarity. This still looks pretty
me but I'm at a blank as to how I can make it much clearer. If you have
specific questions or anything about it, please let me know and I'll
elaborate as much as I can

Also look at Frans Bouma's comment on my blog -

That's a really good point, the logic I posted assumes the table to be
sorted, but that is something that can be easily gotten around using a

- Sahil Malik

Xedecimal said:
I was reading all of this and one tiny little part caught my eye...

object LastValue = null;
foreach (DataRow dr in SourceTable.Select("", FieldName))
if (LastValue == null || !(ColumnEqual(LastValue,
LastValue = dr[FieldName];
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { LastValue });

I realized after reading this part that every row is actually ordered by the
user, so I could store the last object and check if it matches and only do
what I want it to when it's on a unique one, thus a feux distinct select, and
exactly what I needed, a few little lines of code changed and kapow!
Everything works perfect now, not to mention this is good information for
other people that want to create whole new sets of distinct data... Thanks a
ton, a good christmas present, lol.

Sahil Malik said:
Okay let me confirm my understanding of your issue first.

InputData: You have 3 tables - User/Container and a many to many
relationship map of UserContainer .. right?
Expected OutputResults: And given a userID, you wish to find out all user
ids that share atleast one container with this user .. and this should be
without duplications .. right??

Okay .. if that is the situation, here is the recommended solution ---

Have one Dataset with the following 3 tables -User/Container/UserContainer.
Create relationships between User-UserContainer and Container-UserContainer.

Okay now lets assume that ur writing a function for this purpose called ...

static Array GetContainerSharingUserTableRows(DataRow UserRow)
// Code goes here.

The pseudo logic for that should be as follows ---- (Code files attached)

1. Given the user Row, lets go left to right, find all the relvant
2. Going left to right, lets get relevantContainerRows
... Now starts the fun, lets start the reverse trip, start goign right to
left, but relations will give duplicates so do this ..
3. Create a select query that looks like "ContainerID in ('A','B'...)
4. Then use the function I have written in the copy pasted code below that
does a SelectDistinct instead of Select (SelectDistinct is something that is
not provided as a standard part of ADO.NET ur gonna have to write it urself,
or copy it from the copy paste I have given below) ----------- Very
important, this in order to function adds the table and a relation into the
original dataset, and if you wish to call the same function repeatedly on
the same dataset over and over again, then you might need to clean the
dataset of Table[3] and Relation[2] after this operation is done. (See
comment in code // You might need to clean this later)
5. Fine .. now that we have the relevant DISTINCT rows from the middle
table, find parent rows for all such distinct rows and add those to an
6. Do a ArrayList.ToArray and return the results - those are your distinct

The relevant code is both copy pasted and attached as a .CS for your
convinience :)
.................. Copy paste of code start..........................
#region Using directives

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Data ;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common ;
using System.Configuration ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Xml ;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
// private const string CONN_STR =
"Server=(local);Database=Adventureworks;Integrated Security=SSPI";
static DataSet ds;
static void Main(string[] args)
ds = GetDataSet();
Array userRows =

static Array GetContainerSharingUserTableRows(DataRow UserRow)
DataRelation FirstRel = ds.Relations["FirstRel"] ;
DataRelation SecondRel = ds.Relations["SecondRel"] ;

// Left to Right Trip
DataRow[] UserContainerRows = UserRow.GetChildRows(FirstRel);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList() ;
foreach (DataRow usercontainerrow in UserContainerRows)

Array containerrows = al.ToArray();
// Right to left trip
// formulate the where clause for the select first.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("ContainerID in (");
foreach (DataRow containerrow in containerrows)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
DataTable ReverseUserContainerRows =
SelectDistinct("UserContainerDistinct", ds.Tables[2], "UserID",
// Now setup a new relation
ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("ThirdRel",
ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], ds.Tables[3].Columns[0])) ;
DataRelation thirdRel = ds.Relations[2];
ArrayList al2 = new ArrayList();
foreach (DataRow usercontainerrow in
Array userrows = al2.ToArray();
return userrows;

static DataTable SelectDistinct(string TableName, DataTable
SourceTable, string FieldName, string FilterExpression)
DataTable dt = new DataTable(TableName);

object LastValue = null;
foreach (DataRow dr in SourceTable.Select("", FieldName))
if (LastValue == null || !(ColumnEqual(LastValue,
LastValue = dr[FieldName];
dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { LastValue });
// You might need to clean this later
if (ds != null)
return dt;

static bool ColumnEqual(object A, object B)

// Compares two values to see if they are equal. Also compares
// Note: If your DataTable contains object fields, then you must
extend this
// function to handle them in a meaningful way if you intend to
group on them.

if (A == DBNull.Value && B == DBNull.Value) // both are
return true;
if (A == DBNull.Value || B == DBNull.Value) // only one is
return false;
return (A.Equals(B)); // value type standard comparison
static DataSet GetDataSet()
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable("Users");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("UserID")) ;
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";


dt = new DataTable("Container");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ContainerID"));

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "B";


dt = new DataTable("UserContainer");
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("UserID"));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ContainerID"));

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";
dr[1] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "1";
dr[1] = "B";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";
dr[1] = "A";

dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "2";
dr[1] = "B";


ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("FirstRel",
ds.Tables[0].Columns[0], ds.Tables[2].Columns[0]));
ds.Relations.Add(new DataRelation("SecondRel",
ds.Tables[1].Columns[0], ds.Tables[2].Columns[1]));

return ds;
............................ Copy paste of code end