advanced filternot working in macro

  • Thread starter Thread starter tina
  • Start date Start date


A macro with advanced filter is nolonger working the advance filter does not
give any data but if run manually with sames settings it works. Problem
seems to been since upgraded to office 2007 . I recorded a amcro for filter
and ran this and this failed to give data when macro ran but did when recorded
relevant code is
Range("MYCODES").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Range _
("I1:I2"), CopyToRange:=Range("K1"), Unique:=False
any Ideas
Thanks Tina
The ranges are probably referencing the wrong worksheet. The n amed Range is
probably ok, but the criteria range and copyto range are refering the
activeworksheet. the activesheet may be incorrect.