Mervin Williams
I have a dataset that includes data adapters for two tables, Company and
User, and one for the intersection table, Company_User. I've set up
DataRelations between the tables within the dataset .xsd file.
How do I now apply a filter that restricts the Company to only display those
records accessible by a specific, as indicated in the Company_User table?
Can the DataRelation not be used to restrict the rows received in both the
parent and child tables?
All help will be greatly appreciated.
Mervin Williams
User, and one for the intersection table, Company_User. I've set up
DataRelations between the tables within the dataset .xsd file.
How do I now apply a filter that restricts the Company to only display those
records accessible by a specific, as indicated in the Company_User table?
Can the DataRelation not be used to restrict the rows received in both the
parent and child tables?
All help will be greatly appreciated.
Mervin Williams