Advance to another slide number (not the next slide)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wade
  • Start date Start date


Hi there,

I would like to know if you can advance to a slide that is not the next one
in order.

Basically on the slides I have hyperlinks to other slides (that I use as
references). I normally have a 10-15 page slide show, but have another 10-15
slides (that sits at the end of my main pres) that I like to use as
references or be able to go into more detail.

So I would like to go from slide 6 to slide 21 then back to slide 6. Slide 6
clicks to slide 7, hyperlinked to slide 24 then click back to slide 7, then
so on.

I hope this makes sense.
Hi guys,

Thanks for your help on this. I will try to eloborate more on what I would
like to do......

I currently have a little icon in the bottom that allows me to click back to
a slide. The problem I have is that I am creating these presentations for
other people in the company so they are not as powerpoint savy as I am. They
want a simple click one click two click three presentation, but still want
access to the reference slides.... (They want their cake and eat it too

My presentation has 14 slides to get through and then it has 14 "reference
slides" at the end of the pres. (I usually seperate the 2 by having a blank
slide at the end of the main pres) In the main pres, on about 1/2 of the
slides there are links to provide more info on that topic (if required).

All the links work, but the problem I have is, once they jump to slide 21
(from slide 6), if they click anywhere on the slide it goes to slide 22. I
would like to map it so that if they go to slide 21 and click anywhere on the
slide it takes them to slide 7 (or whatever is next on the MAIN pres) NOT to
slide 22

I hope that is a little more clearer