I use advance fields in my letters to position the date and addres
appropriately for windows envelopes.
9 times out of 10 this works perfectly, but it appears that when th
users edit it kills the advance fields. (i.e resulting in overwritte
text). Deleting them and inserting them back in works sometimes.
I haven't found a record of this being a bug. There is absolutely n
reasonable explanation for it doing this. There is no consistency i
the fields not working. Has anyone else experienced the same problem?
If so a solution (apart from reverting back to the dodgy old har
returns and leaving advance codes well alone).
appropriately for windows envelopes.
9 times out of 10 this works perfectly, but it appears that when th
users edit it kills the advance fields. (i.e resulting in overwritte
text). Deleting them and inserting them back in works sometimes.
I haven't found a record of this being a bug. There is absolutely n
reasonable explanation for it doing this. There is no consistency i
the fields not working. Has anyone else experienced the same problem?
If so a solution (apart from reverting back to the dodgy old har
returns and leaving advance codes well alone).