I parsed your data into Sheet1 in A1

A2:A8 are real dates and the number format is: mmmm d, yyyy
(not simple text)
Then on sheet2, I put this in A1

Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
Notice that the headers used here matched the headers used on Sheet1. (I'm
wondering why you didn't match the headers in your criteria range???)
I created a named range on Sheet2 (in F1:F7 named qstnairedate) with the date
1/1/2009 and formatted as mm/dd/yyyy (I didn't care).
So my criteria range looked like:
My criteria range looked like:
Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
Then I applied Data|Filter|advanced filter.
Filter in place
List range: $A$1:$D$8
criteria range: sheet2!$a$1:$d$2
unique records only checked.
Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
January 15, 2009 Questionnaire 3 Mary Jones Y
April 3, 2009 Questionnaire 1 Mary Jones Y
And I got these two records--but the test data wasn't very good--because each
record (you have to consider all 4 fields) were unique.
So I made the test data look like:
Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
January 15, 2009 Questionnaire 3 Mary Jones Y
April 5, 2009 Questionnaire 1 John Smith N
January 15, 2009 Questionnaire 3 Mary Jones Y
March 15, 2009 Questionnaire 2 John Smith Y
January 15, 2009 Questionnaire 3 Mary Jones Y
February 12, 2009 Questionnaire 3 Joe Blow Y
February 15, 2009 Questionnaire 5 Mary Jones N
Then I applied the same filter to that range and got these results:
Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
January 15, 2009 Questionnaire 3 Mary Jones Y
Since I used 3 (of the 4 fields) in my criteria, each field is considered when
determining duplicates. And since there were 3 records that matched each of the
criteria, they were all the same.
So my question to you is what do you really want? If you want just the Mary
Jones records, then just use the Rep column in the criteria range (or empty the
other criteria cells).
Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
Mary Jones
If you wanted Mary Jones records where she's already responded, then you'd use
two columns.
Date Questionnaire Rep Responded?
Mary Jones Y
And remember Unique means that the date criteria can be met, but each different
date will make the record unique.