I think that"Pop" meant SpywareGuard, found at:
== Correct, sorry I was so vague.
"SpyGuard" software looks not to be free, but if you are
interested it can be found at:
== It was free. If you can't find the freebie, come on
back and I'll see what I can look up. Sometimes it's hard
to find the freebies on these sites. Think I even stored a
promo somewhere on disk for it - can look for that too if
need be; should have the right link. BTW, it's a realtime
scanner, not a hard drive scanner - never had it trigger, so
not sure how good it is or isn't, but ... it's highly
recommended on these and the antivirus boards, so my money's
on it. I HAVE seen posts where it supposedly saved the day.
It's quick, and it unobtrusive.
Any luck yet in eradicating the probs? Nice to know what
fixes what sometimes <g>.
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What is the URL for SpyGurard ? Never heard of this before
your post; would
like to add it.