ADSL24 acquired by Coms


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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This, apparently, is "old news" but I have only just received a "welcoming e-mail" from Coms PLC. It seems they acquired ADSL24 (my ISP) back in May... must admit, it's the first I'd heard about it, but then, I don't have cause to visit the website very frequently, so maybe missed an announcement.

I'm a wee bit surprised that ADSL24 didn't e-mail customers with the news though - or am I being naive(?)

Anyway, the Coms mail states:
Please be assured that there will be no change to the cost of your service, or your existing contract length. There will be no adverse effect on your monthly usage limit, or maximum available broadband speed. Line rental customers will retain all of their existing features.
So... I guess there shouldn't be any noticeable changes.:user:
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They may have acquired it in May but it's possible they've only just taken a hands-on approach to the actual running of the service.

Just a thought :)
Got the same email this morning too.

I thought something was a foot as has been saying my ISP is Coms LTD for months. ;)

Well as long as they leave it alone and dont **** about i shall be happy. :D
They may have acquired it in May but it's possible they've only just taken a hands-on approach to the actual running of the service.

Just a thought :)
Yes, I agree. The thing which has prompted my comment though, is that ADSL24 have always been very open about anything that is happening "behind the scenes." There has usually been good communication with customers.

Digging around a little, I found they had "quietly" merged with So Purple Group last year. Article here.

V_R said:
Well as long as they leave it alone and dont **** about i shall be happy. :D

Same here, if nothing changes, then ok, I don't mean to be negative for the sake of it.

But, I can't help feeling slightly uneasy that the normally-communicative ADSL24 manager, has remained so silent about this. Previously, we would have been given almost blow-by-blow updates.
Just had an email claiming I've used 85gb this month and have exceeded the 30gb peak limit.

Good to see the Coms Ltd merger hasn't adversely affected them in any way... :/
Just had an email claiming I've used 85gb this month and have exceeded the 30gb peak limit.

Good to see the Coms Ltd merger hasn't adversely affected them in any way... :/

Yeah, I've received a further two emails from them... an "Order Update" and "Order Update (Committed)" because we are one of the customers who will need to reconfigure router-settings.

I see the T&Cs have now changed a bit on the ADSL24 website. Also, the package we have, "Premium Home (LLU)" - is no longer shown as being available.... or at least, not that I can find.

In light of your experience too, V_R, I'm wondering what the future holds for this lot? I guess it makes sense to stay for a while longer, to see what happens, but I cannot say that it's encouraging, when Coms seem to have so little "presence" around the web.

Oh yes, I can find their website... but unlike most of the other ISPs, they're not exactly prominent. Prices are higher too. Whilst I don't mean to be unfairly biased, I haven't got a very good feeling about this. Hopefully, it will be unfounded... but we shall see.

Wonder what happened to James? He has been "quiet" for many months now... also, I checked out ADSL24's Twitter/Facebook pages... there were tumbleweeds! :(
Yeah, I read through that one earlier - likewise, I don't visit the site all that frequently.

Regarding Plusnet - are they okay these days...? I thought they had quite a lot of "bad press" previously... (or, is that just down to the negativity of whiners and whingers who never comment on the good things?)

Meanwhile, I've just written to find out whether ADSL24 will be changing our contract, seeing that this is technically a "new order."
Apparently from what i've read, they are pretty good these days. Just realised its an 18 month contract. **** that.

Sky, BT?

According to the new T&C's you will stay on an ADSL24 contract, but if you move then it would have to be a Coms contract.

I've had a reply from ADSL24, they said they have done something to stop it affecting my connection...

also, my usage for today apparently....

Time               Downloaded    Uploaded    Total
09:00 - 10:00    70.075 GB     7.370 GB   77.445 GB
Snap! I've just received a reply to my earlier mail. Apparently, the previous emails were mistakenly sent out, "due to a system error" which they're now investigating. Okay, fair enough. :)

Re: your "today's usage" Wow! :lol::lol: Definitely a wee glitch in the system lol. (At least they're still being prompt with the replies, to be fair to them.)

I saw the 18 month contract thing with PlusNet too. (Though according to Think Broadband Forum, this post states that the contract has been reduced to 12 months, until the 18th Dec. Think it affects "low cost" areas only.)

If given a choice, I much prefer to remain on a one month contract... doesn't feel quite so restrictive.
Best bit is that is just between 9 and 10am. Considering i'm at work, i'm impressed.
I got another letter yesterday TC, will be migrated to the coms network in the next few weeks apparently.....

Said i dont need to do anything, I'll be switched over overnight, though my static IP isn't transferable, so I'll be getting a new one, no real issue tbh.

Though It did say My contract will be slighty different. Currently on their Fibre 30 Ultra (30gb peak, Peak is 8am - 8pm Mon - Fri and its unlimited off peak and weekends) which suited me perfectly as the off peak hours were about when i was using the PC at home. I will be moved onto their Coms Fibre 500 package. - - which is 50 quid a month, so in theory its not a bad deal... providing they dont try and charge me for it....!

Wish me luck.... :cry:

MAC Code request is drafted and ready for deployment. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Something to read....
Hi V_R... Our migration took place yesterday. It was preceeded by an email, saying we would have already received a letter (er, that didn't arrive until this morning's post actually, lol. It was pretty much just a welcome, and some info regarding there being no changes to payment methods, etc.)

Anyway, the connection went down for a while around 8:30 am yesterday. I re-booted the router a couple of times (bit uncertain if I really needed to do that...) however, the internet was "up" again by about 8:45-ish.

So far, I've not really had any problems, apart from the GW2 forums demanding an authentication when I attempted to log-in yesterday. Did that, and was admitted again :D Another website couldn't be reached earlier today - the message in the browser, was something to the effect "the route the server is taking, will never be resolved" (not verbatim, I'm afraid, but something like that.) Just tried using the link again - and it worked perfectly ok.

It sounds like you will be getting a good deal with your Fibre BB, that's great. :thumb: I wish you luck, but if it goes as smoothly as our's seems to have, then you'll not be needing it. :D

Oh fair-play, "PaulComs" reply in the TB forums, seems to have been reasonably quick off the mark. Hopefully a good sign. :nod:
I've been migrated, happened this morning about half one. Quick speed test this morning....


Not much different, if anything its a fraction faster as its usually just under 75.. So, fingers crossed, what with the better package and same service, I win. :D

More testing needed when i get home....

Time will tell......
It's looking good so far then V_R. Glad the migration went smoothly for you. :thumb:

I have a MAC code and will be leaving....

Check out the resellers section of TBB if your interested TC. :)

Suffice to say, things are going downhill somewhat rapidly! :mad:
Oh c**p...! Tbh, I've been feeling a tad uneasy about Coms myself.

I have certainly noticed a bit of a speed drop... not that our speeds were ever "blistering" here, but things have definitely been slower.

Since the switch-over, we've experienced a few dropped connections too.

Secondly, their billing (invoice) emails. I've been used to receiving invoices which address me by name, etc., but I had to check around on Google, just to establish that the email was even genuine. Very impersonal. Even one of the darned attachments was impossible to open (for me anyway - it was a CSV file.)

Minor niggles maybe... but not too happy.

Any idea who your going to go with now V_R? (I know you're on Fibre, whereas we are not, so just being curious really :) ) Looks like I'll be looking around for a new ISP-home too. :(
Sky or Plusnet probably.

They had a major outage last week, several hours. they blamed OpenDNS as a lot of us on the TBB forums mentioned that we use them over their own DNS servers. :rolleyes:

It had nothing to do with ODNS, it was fault on their network.

Being told nothing would change then have your line throttled to 25Kb's is most definitely a change. and not one I'm going to stand for. That and apparently their CS are idiotic. (not personal experience but what I've read)

To quote someone from TBB, ADSL24 were a 'premium ISP' hence why you would pay a little more for the quality of the service, CS, no shaping etc. Coms are a budget ISP with a premium price tag.
It is beyond annoying to be told one thing, by ADSL24 (i.e., there will be no changes to the contracts of existing customers... I'm paraphrasing,) but, when Coms take over, there are major changes.

Throttling is certainly a no-no, when we've signed-up for "un-throttled" services.

Also, this complete tosh:

"** unlimited data allowance is subject to the Coms fair usage policy to ensure other users’ broadband is not adversely affected."

I thought "unlimited" was actually supposed to genuinely mean without limits these days?

Hmm... hadn't thought of PlusNet. I did wonder about Vivacity though? I took a cursory look at their website, which didn't look bad. I'll check around a bit more before making a move.

I would also have preferred to have a monthly contract, rather than 12 or 18 months. Just dislike being tied into long contracts which incur financial penalties if one wants to jump-ship.
Well, I use to be with Vivaciti, back in the ADSL2 Enta days. They were alright. But their fibre is pricey, I'd rather go with ZEN for that kind of money.

As for the FUP, well most of them will probably have one, but it shouldn't make a difference to the average user.

Your on LLU aren't you? I've seen a lot of Coms refugees moving to Xilo if your interested. Though i cant comment on them myself.

I've given up on looking for a month by month contract, I dont think they exist for FTTC.

I phoned Sky the other day, they offered me their fibre pro package and 25% off my TV bill for 12 months, I've got the whole lot so thats a decent chunk off.. Thats a hell of a deal to turn down....

I wont use their router/hub thing though. I've got an Asus RT-N66U running Merlin Firmware which will be my router of choice, where ever I go....