ADSL Modem/Router Problems


Feb 23, 2002
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I've got the strangest problem with my Belkin 802.11g ADSL modem/router... every so often it will decide to block a website and just not respond. For example, I can access but if I try it just times out (even though I know it works).

Even stranger... anything on the same IP (i.e also won't respond. I can't ping it, and tracert fails at the router. But, I access these sites from another PC connected to the router they work fine. It seems to block one Site(IP) for one PC connected to it.

The only way to fix this is to restart the router in the web-config pages, but this is getting a bit tiresome now. Normally I'd just update the onboard BIOS/ROM, however there have been reports on other forums of the unit going dead after this.

I'm assuming I need to get a new router if I want to fix this, but does anyone have any suggestions that could be causing it from a software/config point of view? This problem has stumped me!
Reduce the thingiebobwhatsit ... from 1500 to 14something or other ... you know what I mean.



I think ... still looking. :p
muckshifter said:
Reduce the thingiebobwhatsit ... from 1500 to 14something or other ... you know what I mean.

I think you mean the MTU? - as Mucks says, try reducing to 1400 and re-boot the router.

Out of interest - who is your ISP?
I can't see any MTU settings in the router setup - I'll try reducing the MTU in the registry and see if that helps. :) Will report back in a few days as it doesn't happen too often :thumb:

My ISP is (now namesco) and I've had quite a few problems with them in the last month, but that's another story. They got bought out a while ago, and the service isn't anywhere near as good as it was (used to be excellent). I'm going to shift to another cheaper (and faster) provider once we move flat in about 3 months time.

Cheers Guys :D
Adywebb said:
I think you mean the MTU? - as Mucks says, try reducing to 1400 and re-boot the router.

Out of interest - who is your ISP?
Yep ... knew somebody would know.

Ian, found this to help locate where the MTU setting is:

click on ADVANCE under Connection type
- double click on WAN-PPPOA > click on Settings
- set MTU to manual and type the number 1400
- click on OK.

Hope this helps.....
Thanks Ady :) Just done that now - was at 1456 before, so fingers crossed this will work :D
Seems to have done the trick so far, as its not happened again yet :)

Thanks to both of you :D
Happened yesterday for the first time since :(

It does seem to be a bit less frequent now, so I will stick with it and see what happens :)
Oh b*gger - thought it might have done the trick :(

I know you said you didn't fancy updating the router firmware - but I've done my belkin router before, and it wasn't a problem - I used the firmware update feature within the utility settings :thumb:
Chuck it in the bin ... you can borrow my dead BT Fusion Router ... I went back to my cheap Trust. Still waiting for a replacment. :rolleyes:

As a side note here ... I checked the BT router out on Steve Gibson's site and it cam up all steathed, just did this Trust and the ports are only blocked. oops.

Try a Firmware update ... it is easy. :thumb: